Disasters and humanitarian affairs
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Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD)

Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD) Is a non-profiteering, non- government rights based organization. Formally formed in 2008 with the sincere efforts of some dedicated social young workers with the objectives of assisting the disadvantaged people towards developing their...
ONG Skyline was created in 2016 with the aim of improving the living conditions of the population. It mainly targets disadvantaged people, young people and vulnerable women. Its fields of activity are: education; environment, health, development, public works.
The Lake Clinic - Cambodia

The Lake Clinic is a project dedicated to bringing basic healthcare, as well as disease surveillance and proper medical referrals to a severely isolated and underserved region of Cambodia - the Tonle Sap. The primary focus of TLC is to provide these isolated villagers with competent and...
Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE)

Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE) is a voluntary and charity, non-partisan and non-government organization formed on the basis of helping the poor, vulnerable communities, orphans, women and the general community and population in Uganda. It gives support in form of...
Tekhsmart Zambia
Tekhsmart Zambia is a Zambian non-governmental organization registered with the ministry of community development and social services, (RNGO/101/833/18). The aim of the organization is to promote digital access, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital commerce, digital law, digital rights,...
Hope Net (Hoffnungsnetz)

The rapid, competent and effective assistance in emergencies is the goal of the working group “Hope Net”. This is done via the co-operation of the member organisations who aim to carry out assistance fast and effectively through combined efforts. Donors can give through the Hope Net, providing them...
Gredvad Rescue International
The Gredvad Rescue International OVC program empowers Orphans and Vulnerable Children Education and Care, their families, and their communities to build a foundation of actions and hope for healthy and sustainable future. They offer every eligible OVC within Gredvad Rescue International (GRI)...
The Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired Limited
Ebenezer is a voluntary non-profit charitable organization founded in 1897 by Hildesheimber Blindenmission, Germany. Based on Christian faith, the school aims at providing comprehensive educational, rehabilitation, recreational and employment training for visually impaired students and youths, as...
Faith Association Of Rehabilitation Of Street Children And Orphans (FARSO)
Faith Association for Rehabilitation of Street Children and Orphans (FARSO) is charity organization and NGO aimed at providing rehabilitation to children on the Street, underprivileged and social outcast in the deprived and marginalised communities in West Africa and Africa as a whole. FARSO...
Relief and Rescue Charity Foundation
Relief and Rescue Charity foundation is a nonprofit organisation established in 2014 and registered in 2017 by the NGO Board of Uganda. It strives to enhance the positive contributions of the stakeholders, private and public partners offer while mitigating the negative impacts on basic needs and...
Green Loop

Green Loop is a nonprofit Environmental conservation company that empowers youth with skills and knowledge on how to fight poverty and unemployment without harming the environment. This is done through spearheading various agricultural income generating projects for youth communities, organising...
Amis des Étrangers au Togo: ADET

ADET mission is social development, economic development and environnemental development. These are the three pillars of the sustainable development. NGO: ADET is one of those who innovated the SDGs. The strength of ADET are : ADET was the only one organisation the UN identified for the...
Future Focus Uganda

Future Focus Uganda's work is focused on levering the resources to break the cycle of poverty among rural communities in Uganda. They provide tools and resources to support vocational trained youth with entrepreneurship skills, reproductive health education and mentoring children in schools at...
PLOG Ghana

PLOG Ghana's main focus can be grouped in the following priority goals and action lines: 1. PROVISION OF BASIC & OTHER NECESSITIES FOR THE VULNERABLE Provide vulnerable children, youth & families with food, clothing, shelter health needs etc Building of affordable homes...
Christliche Ostmission (COM)

Christliche Ostmission (COM) is a Swiss Christian Relief Foundation with projects in Eastern Europe, South-East Asian and Asian countries. The projects focus on humanitarian aid, anti-human trafficking and business development. COM is based on Christian values.
Global Minder Cameroon
Globalminder Cameroon is an apolitical, non-profit making civil society organization which started in 2003 under the name Forestry and Environmental Conservation Society (FOECONS) with registration number G39/10/014/5/113/04 and legalized under country laws in 2004 and recognized under the law NO...
Yaweh Save Life Foundation Ghana

Yaweh Save Life Foundation Ghana is a non governmental organization registered under the companies code of Ghana. The Foundation helps children, including the most vulnerable, access quality education and attain functional levels of literacy, numeracy and essential life skills for the children....
Front Eye For Rural Empowerment & Development (FERED)

FERED intends to operate in the entire West Nile region in the Northern part of Uganda. FERED is yet a newly founded Community Based Organization that intends to serve Host and Refugee Communities In the West Nile Region of Uganda. The organization is founded by qualified personnel in the field of...
St. Mary's Orphans Educational Trust SOET
St. Mary’s Orphans Education Trust was established and registered as Community Based Organisation (CBO) in March 2008 to help the disadvantaged children and their mothers/caregivers become self-reliant and resourceful to their respective communities. Mission To facilitate all African...
biblesforuganda is an outreach arm for Newtestament Fellowship International with its head quarter in Northern Carolina. The organisation is faith based and started its operation in Uganda and with branches all over Africa. It works with Vision of Proclaiming the True Gospel and Doctrine...