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Disasters and humanitarian affairs

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Yakkum Emergency Unit

Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU) is a younger sister of Yogyakarta based CD Bethesda (Community Development of Bethesda Hospital). YEU was established in 2001 based on pressing concerns within YAKKUM (Yayasan Kristen untuk Kesehatan Umum - Christian Foundation for Public Health) regarding the...

Association Evangélique d'Appui au Développement (AEAD)

Association Evangélique d'Appui au Développement (AEAD) was established in 1992 in Burkina Faso to assist the poor and needy through socio-economic activities and evangelisation. The organisation runs a range of programmes focussing on health, the environment and formal and informal education in...

Joseph Project

The Joseph Project, a project of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America, has 30 humanitarian aid centres throughout Israel and a 16,000 sq. foot (1,500 sq. metre) warehouse in the centre of the country. The Project imports containers from America and distributes aid to all sectors of the country,...

Relief Education Development (RED) International

Relief Education Development (RED) International is an NGO which is specifically engaged in relief, education and development projects through a network of local partners around the world. The organisation works to change lives through the relief of poverty, sickness and suffering and through...


From our roots in emerging markets, Agility brings efficiency to supply chains in some of the world's most challenging environments, offering unmatched personal service, a global footprint and customized capabilities in developed countries and emerging economies. Agility is one of the world’s...

Bangkok Free Ambulance (BFA)

The Bangkok Free Ambulance (BFA) is a service in Thailand that assists with Thai and foreign accidents and/or deaths. Its primary service is the provision of medical care. The BFA also works with other foundations, police, government, communities, and embassies in EMS care and education. BFA is...

World Agency for Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction

The World Agency of Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction (WAPMERR) is a non-profit organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland, that focuses on disaster risk reduction and rescue planning after disasters by estimating the potential consequences of earthquakes and through earthquake...

Lumbung Yusuf Indonesia

Lumbung Yusuf Indonesia provides health, education, relief, and social services.

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - North Korea

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women, children, and...

Ravasini S.p.A.

Established in 1948, Ravasini S.p.A. is an Italian company that specialises in manufacturing special equipments for construction sites and mining industry. Their products include mobile workshops for first aid, assistance, maintenance and repair, fire fighting vehicles, mobile laboratories for air,...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) - Nicaragua

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an NGO founded by the Seventh Day Adventist Church in 1984. It was created for the specific purposes of individual and community development, and disaster relief. ADRA now works in 120 countries world-wide, providing disaster...

Human Appeal International (HAI)

Human Appeal International (HAI) works in the fields of charity and development. HAI specializes in social and educational development, health care, and emergency relief.

Action Against Hunger - International

Action Against Hunger - International provides emergency food supplies to people facing starvation as a result of famine, drought or war; assists with the drilling of water wells in communities that do not have safe, clean drinking water and supports medical clinics that address diseases that kill...

World Vision - Vietnam

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organisation working for the well being of all people, especially children. Through emergency relief, education, health care, economic development and through raising public awareness they seek to promote the situation of the needy and provide for...


Tearfund is an international relief and development organisation, working in more than 100 countries. Tearfund works in partnership with grass root organisations and its Diaster Response Team (DRT) set up nine years ago provides rapid and competent operational relief response to major disasters,...

Taiwan International Health Action (TaiwanIHA)

TaiwanIHA was founded in April 2006 to share medical and health assistance with the international community and help contribute to the UN Millenium Development Goals. By managing the manpower, material resources, and equipment available for health aid, TaiwanIHA helps developing nations with...

Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is the operational unit of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). It is in charge of implementing all bilateral programmes and projects in ADC's partner countries and administers the budget earmarked for this. Another focus of ADAs operations is education...

Dorcas Aid International

Dorcas Aid International(DAI) provides social, development and relief aid through over 100 projects in more than twenty countries. DAI operates by funding local partners in projects involving agriculture, water supply, food and clothing, health care, housing, refugees asistance and income...

Christian African Relief Trust

Donated goods are sent to relieve extreme poverty in self-help schemes in Africa. This charitable organisation is supported by individuals and groups who collect, sort and pack the donations.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is Japan's international development agency through which overseas development aid is provide to developing countries. JICA currently works in more than 150 countries and regions worldwide focusing on the alleviation of poverty, protection for...