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Disasters and humanitarian affairs

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World Health Organization (WHO) -Western Pacific

Our purpose is to lead the regional response to public health issues on all fronts - medical, technical, socio-economic, cultural, legal and political -towards the achievement of WHO's global health mission.

Aerzte der Welt e.V

Aerzte der Welt e.V is the German branch of the international medical-humanitarian organisation, Medecins du Monde. The organisation provides medical care to vulnerable populations in crisis situations such as war, violence, disasters and poverty, and works with partner organisations to find...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Jamaica

UNDP works to promote the advancement of Human Development for the people of Jamaica. We do this by supporting good governance, poverty reduction and sound environmental management; providing quality advisory and support services and building strategic partnerships that leverage development...

Action Committee Service for Peace

This organisation was founded in 1968 and its main tasks include the support of common concerns and projects of the member organisations, co-operation with other institutions and organisations, advertising and information about peace service opportunities, planning seminars and courses, and...

SOS Children's Villages - Armenia

Following the devastating earthquake in Armenia on 7 December 1988, SOS Children's Villages decides to offer immediate aid to the children who have lost their parents. SOS Children's Villages Armenia works directly with families and communities to empower them to effectively protect and care for...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Armenia

The UNDP focus is to support Armenia in addressing the challenges of: Achieving the MDGs and reducing human poverty, fostering democratic governance, managing energy and environment for sustainable development and supporting crisis prevention and recovery. In all our...

Armenian Red Cross Society

To reduce vulnerability of the population through mobilization of power of humanity. To get prepared to cope with situations which may cause vulnerability among population. To provide essential support by assisting people made vulnerable by harsh socioeconomic conditions. Our overall goal is to...


AMURTEL is an international volunteer organization that works to help improve the quality of life for the poor and disadvantaged people of the world, and those affected by calamity and conflict. We encourage and enable individuals and communities to harness their own resources for securing the...

Agape International - Japan

This organisation runs a helpline that provides help and emergency assistance for Japanese people in Japan and worldwide. It also runs an Aids Helpline and a Volunteer Helpline.

European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps (EVHAC)

The establishment of a European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps (EVHAC) has been proposed by the European Commission as part of its humanitarian assistance effort. It has selected three of its main partner organisations in Humanitarian Aid to run the first pilot projects and recruit, select, train...

Emergency Capacity Building Project (ECB)

Emergency Capacity Building Project (ECB) is a collaborative effort of seven humanitarian agencies (CARE, Catholic Relief Services, Mercy Corps, Oxfam, Save the Children and World Vision) aimed at improving the speed, effectiveness and delivery of humanitarian response programs. The ECB implements...

Asian Health Institute (AHI)

Group of medical practitioners that provide both preventive and curative health care programmes, and medical training for local communities in Asia.

Mercy Corps International - China

Mercy Corps is a not-for-profit international humanitarian agency. Its goal is to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities. Believing that communities must be the agents of their own transformation for change to endure, Mercy Corps...

arche noVa Indonesia

arche noVa Indonesia is a national NGO established by the German humanitarian organisation, archeNova, following the earthquake in Sumatra in 2009. archeNova Indonesia is affiliated to the German organisation, and works in a similar way, that is, by providing assistance to people in need. ...

Integrated Developmental Education Activate Society [IDEAS]

Integrated Developmental Education Activate Society (IDEAS) is a non-governmental organisation based in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. IDEAS provides emergency relief projects and rehabilitation to tsunami-hit women through income generation activity like fish pickle making programmes.

Asmita Samajik Sanstha

Asmita Samajik Sanstha is an India based non-government organisation which works to provide sustainable livelihood training for the deprived people of the rural and forest area. It also conducts socio-economic study for the betterment of the deprived people. Its work is also related to blood safety...

Full Gospel of Yoido Church

Full Gospel of Yoido Church is a faith-based organisation, helping the needy and suffering people (such as orphans, widows, Aids-victims and the elderly population) by providing humanitarian aid.

Kabamoli Charitable Trust

Kabamoli Charitable Trust aims to relieve sickness, distress, and poverty as well as advancing the education amongst African children - particularly (but not exclusively) those who have lost at least one or both parents. The organisation is registered with the Charities Commission of England.

Global Network for Good Governance - Zambia (GNGG-Zambia)

Global Network for Good Goverance - Zambia (GNGG-Zambia) is a non- governmental organisation involved in human rights, good governance, and improving the standard of living for the poor, especially women and the disabled. GNGG-Zambia is also involved in child protection and rights.

ChildLine Cameroon

ChildLine Cameroon operates a children’s network to facilitate support to abused children; facilitates children's access to social services; partners with locally-based telecommunication companies to ensure children’s access to the telephone infrastructures; manages a national database for...