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Disasters and humanitarian affairs

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Medical Healthcare Philanthropy International

Medical Healthcare Philanthropy International in collaboration with partners in health seeks the promotion of healthy living in Nigeria. The mission is to work for the improvement of healthy living through the provision of sponsored healthcare services with the aim to reduce, control and ultimately...

Peace Builders of Africa

Established in 2014, and registered as community Based Organization in 2015, Peace Builders of Africa also known as PBA – Uganda is a dynamic Christian child and youth focused Grassroots peace building charity organization that strives to ensure that the marginalized communities are uplifted...

Blythswood Care Verified non-profit organisation

This Christian charitable organisation has many years experience in aid distribution. Goods are donated to their depots in the UK and distributed to carefully selected recipients, mainly in Eastern Europe. Blythswood Care has set up some of its own projects including a centre for children from...

Mission Aviation Fellowship International

Mission Aviation Fellowship is a global movement founded in 1945 by a group of WWII service personnel who shared a vision to use aviation to see isolated people physically and spiritually transformed in Christ's name. MAF International is the operational wing of the organisation and oversees...

Strategia Netherlands

Strategia Netherlands is an International Management Training Organization that provides capacity building services in health, development, safety and security and in humanitarian interventions.

Holy Ghost Fathers Province of Kenya

Founded in 1703, the Holy Ghost Congregation has its members in the six continents engaged in different ministries. In Kenya, the Congregation is involved in primary evangelization and development, urban ministries in slum areas, inter-religious dialogue, education, reconciliation, and the...

Global Aid for Africa (GAA)

Global Aid for Africa (GAA), is an International Organization with head quarter in the United State of America and regional offices across Africa with the aimed at providing support to undeserved and underprivileged communities in Africa to achieve the Sustainable Development goals of the UN agenda...

Centre for Integrated Community Development (CICD-UGANDA)

CICD-UGANDA is an indigenous /non-partisan /non for profit rural based community learning organization in Buhweju District, Western Uganda. It was formed in 2014 and officially registered at the district as a Community Based Organization in 2016. CICD-Uganda is a youth and community-led initiative...

Innovations for Change

The organization aims at promoting the use of innovative technological methodologies in research, trainings and advocacy to support women and girls and minority groups to be treated with fairness and consideration to enjoy their health rights. This is done through research, trainings, and advocacy...

Bright Hope Ministries

Bright Hope Pakistan is set up to address the acute need of the oppressed, neglected and marginalized section of society in particular to protect children's from the unjustified persecution, maltreatment, inhuman violence, harassment, hatred and religious intolerance. Bright hope Pakistan is...

Somali Environmental and Social Development Organization (SESDO)

SESDO Organization is a Swedish non-profit organizations with a mission to provide charitable assistance to implement educational development, social and environmental development. SESDO was established to fulfill the responsibility towards humanity regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, location,...

Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD)

Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD) Is a non-profiteering, non- government rights based organization. Formally formed in 2008 with the sincere efforts of some dedicated social young workers with the objectives of assisting the disadvantaged people towards developing their...


ONG Skyline was created in 2016 with the aim of improving the living conditions of the population. It mainly targets disadvantaged people, young people and vulnerable women. Its fields of activity are: education; environment, health, development, public works.

The Lake Clinic - Cambodia

The Lake Clinic is a project dedicated to bringing basic healthcare, as well as disease surveillance and proper medical referrals to a severely isolated and underserved region of Cambodia - the Tonle Sap. The primary focus of TLC is to provide these isolated villagers with competent and...

Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE)

Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE) is a voluntary and charity, non-partisan and non-government organization formed on the basis of helping the poor, vulnerable communities, orphans, women and the general community and population in Uganda. It gives support in form of...

Tekhsmart Zambia

Tekhsmart Zambia is a Zambian non-governmental organization registered with the ministry of community development and social services, (RNGO/101/833/18). The aim of the organization is to promote digital access, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital commerce, digital law, digital rights,...

Hope Net (Hoffnungsnetz)

The rapid, competent and effective assistance in emergencies is the goal of the working group “Hope Net”. This is done via the co-operation of the member organisations who aim to carry out assistance fast and effectively through combined efforts. Donors can give through the Hope Net, providing them...

Gredvad Rescue International

The Gredvad Rescue International OVC program empowers Orphans and Vulnerable Children Education and Care, their families, and their communities to build a foundation of actions and hope for healthy and sustainable future. They offer every eligible OVC within Gredvad Rescue International (GRI)...

The Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired Limited

Ebenezer is a voluntary non-profit charitable organization founded in 1897 by Hildesheimber Blindenmission, Germany. Based on Christian faith, the school aims at providing comprehensive educational, rehabilitation, recreational and employment training for visually impaired students and youths, as...

Faith Association Of Rehabilitation Of Street Children And Orphans (FARSO)

Faith Association for Rehabilitation of Street Children and Orphans (FARSO) is charity organization and NGO aimed at providing rehabilitation to children on the Street, underprivileged and social outcast in the deprived and marginalised communities in West Africa and Africa as a whole. FARSO...