Instituto para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Económico y Social de Huancavelica
Unverified non-profit organisation
The INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF HUANCAVELICA INIDES was born to support the poorest population of the country, on September 10, 1992. For more than 25 years, this NGO has accumulated great experience and important achievements in favor of the target population, mainly related to the promotion and development of children and peasants with a gender focus. Most work is done in the city of Huancavelica.
Promote and support the population in extreme poverty to the development of skills and resources, mainly to the rural population, family and community by life cycles, and prioritizing women from the Andean – Rural Area, with Equity Peace and social justice.
- Prevent / reduce Child Abuse in children, adolescents and women in rural areas
- Contribute to the prevention / reduction of poverty and economic, social and political marginalization, as well as to the improvement of the quality of life of men, women and children
- Consolidate INIDES as a promoter of the rights and interests of the peasants, the Family and the Community of Peru
Year established
10 de Septiembre 1992Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
Less than 500,000Participant in relevant networks
Regional Government of Development of Huancavelica. Regional Management of Agriculture of Huancavelica. National University of Huancavelica Departmental Coordinator of NGOs of Huancavelica. CODEH Regional Management of Education of Huancavelica Provincial Municipality of Huancavelica. Municipality of Ascension - Huancavelica Local Educational Management Unit of Huancavelica UGELH National Level CEPRODEP - (Center for Promotion and Population Development), Lima IDIR - Institute for Rural Development and Research. - Apurimac, Abancay IRD. Instituto Region y Desarrollo - Abancay CEDAPP - (Center for Development and Psychosocial Counseling), Lima Peruvian Network of Education in Human Rights and Peace - Lima. MIMDES Ministry of Women and Social Development, "Ichispalla" Project - Lima. Technical Cooperation of Belgium CTB, Lima. Societa de Monitoragio Italiani, Lima CODINFA. Consortium for the Integral Development of Children and the Andean Family. Lima FIP - ITALO PERUAN FUND. Lima Save the Children. Lima. Panez & Silva Consultores. Lima. Auditores Noles Monteblanco & Asociados. BKR International. Lima International Level HEALT ACTION - USA MICROCREDIT SUMMIT. USA Bernard van Leer Foundation – La Haya. Holanda. Save the Children - Canadá SESI. Servicio Social de la Industria. Sao Paolo. BRASIL ICE. Instituto Cultural Educativo. Lisboa - PORTUGAL Programa YACHAY. Jujuy. ARGENTINA. MANOS UNIDAS de España. Cooperación Técnica de Bélgica CTBAbout this organisation
Partnership types
Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Project funding; Provision all (5)Regions / countries / territories
Americas: PeruGlobal issues
Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry; Children, youth and family welfare; all (13)Goods categories
Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Apparel & fashion; Arts, crafts & all (12)Business sectors
Advocacy and legal services; Agriculture and livestock; Aquaculture; Community all (7)Disasters
Peru: Earthquake - Jun 2008; Peru: Floods - Oct 2008; Peru: Landslides - Jan 2009; all (13)You might also be interested in:
Global issues
- Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry (1080)
- Children, youth and family welfare (3397)
- Community development (3815)
- Disability issues (851)
- Disasters and humanitarian affairs (1515)
- Education and training (4221)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1321)
- Food security and nutrition (1922)
- Gender issues (1660)
- Shelter, housing, land management and construction (669)
- Human rights (1412)
- HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical (2795)
- Water and related ecosystems (968)