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Disasters and humanitarian affairs

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Updates | ReliefWeb

This useful website by ReliefWeb is a freely accessible on-line database providing information (documents and maps) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. Depending on a country’s emergency situation, ReliefWeb may post updates on a continuous (24-hour) basis.

United Nations Office For The Coordination Of Humanatarian Affairs (OCHA) - UAE

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) coordinates the collective efforts of the international community, and in particular those of the UN system, to provide humanitarian assistance in response to complex emergencies and natural disasters. It works with...

Partners of the Americas

Partners of the Americas is an American NGO that develops leadership, understanding and opportunity in the Western Hemisphere. The organisation relies on the work of dedicated volunteers throughout the U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean, and also employs professional staff who manage federally...

Ericsson Response Programme

The Ericsson Response Programme is a global initiative developed by Ericssson, an international telecommunications company. The Response Programme is designed to respond rapidly to disasters by providing volunteers and mobile communication equipment in disaster areas, and by working in partnership...

SOS Children's Villages - Nepal

SOS Children's Villages is an international NGO that works for children worldwide by establishing facilities which provide long term care for needy children (Children's Villages), schools, and medical and social centres. SOS Children's Villages has been working in Nepal since 1970, and currently...

World Health Organization (WHO) - Azerbaijan Country Office

The WHO Country Office, Azerbaijan was established in June 2004 in Baku to assist in the implementation of the WHO programmes in the country. The Office is the focal point for WHO activities in Azerbaijan and provides services, research, and training related to a wide variety of health issues,...

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) - Nepal

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA has been present in Nepal since 2005 with the aim of coordinating...

Caritas Colombia

Caritas Colombia aims to promote integral human development and works towards the creation of a society, based on solidarity, justice, peace and respect for human rights. It operates against the background of a long history of violent conflict between the state and guerrilla groups that have...

World Food Programme Emergency Network

The World Food Programme (WFP) Emergency Network is an alliance of socially aware private sector companies which support the World Food Programme in preparing for emergencies. Participating companies provide critical goods, cash, expert personnel and training. WFP is the United Nations lead agency...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Rwanda

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) was initiated by the Seventh-day Adventist church. ADRA seeks to identify and address social injustice and deprivation in Rwanda. The agency’s work seeks to improve the quality of life of those in need. ADRA invests in the potential of these...

ADRA in Vietnam

ADRA in Vietnam (part of the global Adventist Development and Relief Agency network) is a non-government organisation which has been active in Vietnam for more than 20 years, implementing over 180 development and relief projects across the country in various sectors. They are currently working in...

World Food Program - Bolivia

World Food Program (WFP) is the United Nations frontline agency in the fight against global hunger. In Bolivia, WFP supports over 500,000 people by providing assistance at the municipalities and communities most vulnerable to food insecurity. The country programme in Bolivia has three objectives:...

The Messianic Jewish Alliance of America Joseph Project

The Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) Joseph Project is based in the US. Its aim is to provide aid to impoverished Israelis, providing food, clothing, basic toiletries, medical supplies, toys, building materials, and other necessities. These are distributed through local MJAA distribution...


Adeso (former Horn Relief) works at the roots of African communities to create environments in which they can thrive. The organisation works closely with communities to find solutions to their problems, building on people’s resourcefulness and capabilities. Their program areas include:...

Imres b.v.

Imres b.v. specialises in the wholesale distribution of medical relief, particularly for disaster relief. Imres has extensive knowledge of emergency relief services in pharmaceuticals and medical supplies with long term commitment in relationships with clients and suppliers.

Paramount Tarpaulin Industries

Paramount Tarpaulin Industries manufactures and exports tents, tarpaulins, home textiles, blankets, cooking sets, high visibility vests, mosquito nets, and dozens of other relief items.

International Procurement Agency B.V. (IPA)

International Procurement Agency B.V. (IPA) provides a wide range of supply, procurement, and consultancy, and emergency response services to international donors, aid organisations and financing institutions in all parts of the developing world on a strictly independent basis. IPA distinguishes...

ora international Germany

ora international is a non-denominational Christian relief and development organization that serves people in need around the world. Its work consists of three main areas: 1. Development work 2. Emergency relief 3. Sponsorship programmes ora international consists of around 200 voluntary...

Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport - Netherlands

Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport - Netherlands provides information and programmes involving physical and mental health, health insurance, long term care, and in related areas. The Ministry also offers care for the old, youth, and people with physical or mental disabilities. The organisation...

Médecins du Monde (International)

Médecins du Monde is an international humanitarian organization whose mission is to provide medical care for the most vulnerable populations when they are faced with crisis or exclusion from society, in France and throughout the world. Internationally, Médecins du Monde is active on all...