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Disasters and humanitarian affairs

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DuoSuccess TCM Research

DuoSuccess TCM Research is a company that has been incorporated in Hong Kong since 2007. The company focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) research and has successfully developed various therapies using TCM techniques, including music therapy, a technique that can provide similar or better...

Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC) - Hong Kong office

Founded in 1954, the Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC) is an ecumenical council committed to building closer relationships among all churches in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas. HKCC organises volunteer training programmes, has built many sanctuaries, housing for the poor, shelters for...


Cartay is a Spanish company that manufactures a range of emergency kits. The company has a long term agreement with Unicef and also supplies the IFRC. Cartay keeps large stocks of hygiene and emergency items, and can supply these within 24-48 hours to any part in the world.

Shelter for Life

Shelter for Life focuses on construction and community development projects in Africa, Asia and the USA. SFL has been addressing the need for shelter through the construction of both transitional and permanent homes in countries uprooted by conflict and disaster. SFL provides beneficiaries with the...

African International Christian Mission

The Africa International Christian Mission (AICM) is a non-profit organisation that provides education, sponsorship and fellowship programmes for children of all ages. AICM also supports a number of orphanages, hospitals, elderly care homes and feeding programmes through its relief work. AICM...

Humanitarian Aid in Complex Emergencies International (HACE Int'l)

Humanitarian Aid in Complex Emergencies International (HACE Int'l) provides humanitarian assistance to the poor, marginalised, and other vulnerable populations through programmes focusing upon food security, healthcare, education and training, and sustainable development.

Global Transitions, Inc.

Global Transitions, Inc.(GTI) is and has been engaged in: donations of food, clothing, and medical supplies to beneficiaries in more than 50 countries for the US Departments of State and Defense, and the US Agency for International Development(USAID); food supplements for vulnerable elderly and...

Terre des Hommes International Federation (TDHIF)

Terre des Hommes International Federation (TDHIF) is a non-profit network of ten national organisations with headquarters in Switzerland. The mission of the Terre des Hommes organisations is to provide active support to children, without racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based...

Convoy of Hope - International Community Care

Convoy of Hope provides humanitarian aid and support to help relieve poverty and to improve living conditions. They assist those in need in mainly schools, hospitals and orphanages.

DAYA (Destitute, Aged & Young Association)

DAYA is a relief and development organisation that aims to raise the education and health standards of street children, victims of natural disasters and children and others in difficult circumstances. DAYA serves the communities and people in the state of Orissa in India. Among its activities are...

Aldeas Infantiles SOS - Costa Rica

Aldeas Infantiles is a member of SOS Kinderdorf International, and works in accordance with its statutes and principles for education and child care. Aldeas Infantiles has been working in Costa Rica since 1975. Currently there are two SOS Children's Villages, one SOS Youth Facility, one SOS...

H. Sheik Noor Ud Din & Sons Private Limited (HSNDS)

H. Sheik Noor Ud Din&Sons Private Limited (HSNDS) is a major tent manufacturer and supplier of emergency relief products. HSNDS is also an air, sea, and land freight forwarder and holds a network of warehouses within Asia.

Global Centre for Compliance, Hazards and Disaster Management (GLOCEHADIM)

The Global Centre for Compliance, Hazards and Disaster Management (GLOCEHADIM) is an academic and research institution in Cameroon that brings together experts in disaster management, relief work and development. The organisation assists disadvantaged groups, and is involved in flood control and...

Vestergaard Frandsen Group

Vestergaard Frandsen Group specialises in emergency response and disease control textiles and is committed to the Millenium Development Goals. It is guided by a unique Humanitarian Entrepreneurship business model, whose "profit for a purpose" approach has turned humanitarian responsibility into its...

Relief Supplier

Relief Supplier is an Indian company that exports a range of relief items for use in emergencies. Items stocked include blankets, tarpaulins, buckets, kitchen sets, mosquito nets, education and recreation kits, tents, hygiene kits and body bags.

UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)

UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) provides assistance, protection and advocacy for some 5 million registered Palestine refugees, pending a solution to their plight. In Jordan the UNRWA runs schools, training and health centres, provides...

Smethurst Ministries Inc

Smethurst Ministries Inc is an Australian faith-based organisation. Smethurst Ministries funds the construction and renovation of orphanages and provides them with essential supplies.

American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)

The American Near East Refugee Aid, ANERA, is an American NGO. Initially ANERA sought to help the hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians by providing emergency relief. ANERA now also addresses the long-term economic and social needs of Palestinians, Lebanese and Jordanians through its...

Medical Aid For Palestinians (MAP)

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is a British charity that offers medical services and advocates for the universal right to health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. MAP also contributes to the psycho-social support efforts for women and children affected by the...


Interpal is a British charity focusing solely on the provision of relief and development aid to needy Palestinians world-wide. Interpal provides emergency aid, runs a child sponsorship programme and sponsors education and community development projects aimed at preserving Palestinian cultural...