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Education and training

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Sima Community Based Organization

Sima Community Based Organization is a non profit organization and Children orphanage and Academy. The following are services provided by the organization : • Quality education to high-risk children • Protection and care to high-risk groups of female sex workers and street youths and people...

Pok Oi Hospital Cheng Liu Sum Memorial Children and Family Development Centre

Introduction Children and families are always our main social service targets. Pok Oi Hospital is now operating 10 centres to provide children and family services all over the territory. We aim to provide a wide range of preventive and supportive services to children, women and families in order...

St. James' Settlement Wanchai Integrated Family Service Centre

St James Settlement aims at exploring and nurturing the potential of families, facilitating the communication and concern among family members, as well as enhancing their collaborative ability of problem-solving. With the provision of multi-purpose social services, St James' Settlement strengthens...

School for Life Foundation

School for Life Foundation is a not-for-profit organization working in rural Uganda. The school aims to empower communities to help themselves and create their own opportunities. To do that, the foundation builds schools to provide communities with a quality education, including primary and...

Sankalp Volunteer Society, India

Sankalp Vounteer Society, India, is a registered charity and non-government organization in India since 1994 and directly benefiting underprivileged children and women in Jaipur. The organization invites people around the world to make a great contribution and bring changes by getting involved in...

Development and Relief Solutions-DRESO

Development Relief Solutions (DRESO) is an independent non-profit humanitarian organization established in 2014 to respond to the protracted and increased suffering and starvation of the communities who were worst affected by the civil strife and famine in Somalia. DRESO is registered with the...

Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf is a non-profit making organization which aims to promote the well being of the hearing impaired and seeks to ensure equalization of opportunities for hearing impaired persons. The Society undertakes projects of publicity, education, recreation, counselling,...

Reach the Children of Africa International

Reach the Children of Africa International (RCAI) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2014 with a mission to transform the lives of the most vulnerable children by providing access to education starting from the district of Ntungamo in Ruhama county, to Rwanda, East Africa, and other similar...

SAHK Jockey Club Elaine Field School

Founded in 1979, SAHK Jockey Club Elaine Field School is a special school for children with physical disability.

Community Impact for Africa-CIfA

CIfA is community oriented organization gunning at creating a safe space for the vulnerable and ensuring the sustainable development and livelihood of Africans. CIFA aims resilient communities free from all forms violence and human rights abuses. Moto : Innovation, Empowerment, Impact Core...

Bait-ul-Maal Punjab

The system of Bait-ul-Maal serves the following objectives : Financial assistance to the destitute, widows, orphans, invalids, infirm and other needy persons with emphasis on rehabilitation, educational assistance to needy orphan and stipends for the outstanding, non-affording students for...

Christliche Ostmission (COM) Verified non-profit organisation

Christliche Ostmission (COM) is a Swiss Christian Relief Foundation with projects in Eastern Europe, South-East Asian and Asian countries. The projects focus on humanitarian aid, anti-human trafficking and business development. COM is based on Christian values.

Gilead Global Initiative For The Less Privileged

Gilead Global Initiative for the Less Privileged (GiGILEP) is a Non-profit Organization with a mandate to bring healing to the physically, spiritually, socially and economically less privileged in our society. GiGILEP is incorporated in Nigeria in 2009 in accordance with the Companies and Allied...

Toto Centre Initiative

Toto Centre Initiative (TCI) is a registered Child Centered Community Based Organization (CBO) in Lamu County, Kenya. The organization was founded in January 2019 and officially registered as a CBO by the Department of Social Development in Lamu. Toto's primary mission as a CBO is to work...

Rural Care Ministries

Rural Care Ministries is a registered not for profit organization in India. The ministries is conducting education, health (HIV) and environmental care, women empowerment and community development programmes in Guntur district rural areas in India.

Solar Electrification Education & Development Project

The mission of this non-governmental organization is to help the many rural schools in Ghana with solar energy as a source of cheap electricity and computers. In this era of technology, every child deserves to have electricity access and computers, which can play a significant role in improving...

Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments (BEFi)

The Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments (BEFI) project started as a rural Tanzanian physically disabled person’s small-scale farming and agriculture self-help support initiative. The project was subsequently improved, innovated, converted and formalized into a sustainable small-scale conservation...

Kalumbila Women of Excellence

Kalumbila Women of Excellence is a group of women in Kalumbila and other towns in Zambia who have identified the numerous challenges women are facing. The group have come up with an Organization that looks after prisoners wifes and their kids. Aim / Goals • To produce a woman who is able to...

Clips Centre Community Based organization

Clips centre is a registered community based organization in Kenya with a vision for a just and empowered youth. The organization's mission is to socio-economically empower vulnerable youth through vocational and entrepreneurship training, capacity building, lobbying and advocacy. Beneficiaries are...

Global Minder Cameroon

Globalminder Cameroon is an apolitical, non-profit making civil society organization which started in 2003 under the name Forestry and Environmental Conservation Society (FOECONS) with registration number G39/10/014/5/113/04 and legalized under country laws in 2004 and recognized under the law NO...