Education and training
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HSBC Amanah partners with Islamic Relief to offer microfinance in Pakistan

HSBC Amanah, the global Islamic banking division of HSBC group, has entered into a partnership with Islamic Relief, a major international relief and development charity, to offer a pilot Islamic microfinance scheme in Pakistan.
ExxonMobil is partnering with SEED Foundation to promote sustaining global water supplies

Imperial Oil Limited, the Canadian affiliate of ExxonMobil, is partnering with the nonprofit Society, Environment and Energy Development Studies (SEEDS) Foundation to bring environmental education to secondary schools in Canada.
ExxonMobil develops local healthcare capacity in Uganda

ExxonMobil is working in partnership with the Academic Alliance Foundation to train African physicians on the latest HIV/AIDS treatment and technology at the Infectious Diseases Institute at Makerere University in Uganda.
FC Barcelona commits to the continued financial support and global promotion of UNICEF

UNICEF and FC Barcelona started a five-year partnership in September 2006 to raise awareness and funds to benefit children affected by HIV and AIDS, and it included having the UNICEF logo on the FC Barcelona official jersey.
Sainsbury's assisted a charity gardening enterprise

Sainsbury’s was one of the few companies which supported Mow & Grow when it was a tiny voluntary group. Its funding in the early days ensured its survival of this social enterprise offering a gardening and horticultural service to those in need.
ConocoPhillips conducts HIV/AIDS campaign in Nigeria

ConocoPhillips’ Nigerian business unit, partners with the Nigerian Business Coalition Against AIDS (NIBUCAA) to support community-based resources and programs that recognize and seek to mitigate the social stigma and adverse impact of HIV/AIDS.
Coca-Cola develop community water partnerships with NGOs

Coca-Cola collaborates with UNDP, USAID, Global Water Challenge, PlayPumps International, CARE, Ocean Conservancy and others to protect watersheds and support initiatives that bring clean water and sanitation to under-served areas.
Grameen Foundation received $150,000 Amex grant

American Express has donated $150,000 to Grameen Foundation. The donation will help impart advanced training and technical assistance on accounting, management information systems, human resources and operations to Grameen's local partners: Activists for Social Alternatives in Tamil Nadu, Cashpor...
Toyota works with National Center for Family Literacy to provide support for family literacy programs

Since 1991, TMA (Toyota Motor North America) has helped the National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) develop model programs throughout the country, resulting in the establishment of the Toyota Family Literacy Program (TFLP), a literacy initiative focused on Hispanic and other immigrant families.
Red Cross Society trains Coca-Cola staff in disaster response skills

In Thailand, Coca-Cola formed a disaster preparedness partnership with the Thai Red Cross Society to train its employees.
Coca-Cola partners with WWF to promote sustainable agriculture

Coca-Cola’s partnership with WWF promotes sustainable agriculture in Coca-Cola’s supply chain, focusing on the production of sugar cane, and more recently oranges and corn. They have initiated a number of pilot projects to improve production and farm practices.
Cisco partners with Grameen Solutions in Bangladesh

Cisco partners with Grameen Solutions to establish business centers in rural Bangladesh that serve as distribution points for a variety of services, such as birth and death certificates, healthcare, distance learning, and retail sales of such necessities as hybrid seeds.
Citigroup partners with Rainforest Alliance to support sustainable livelihoods and ecosystems

In 2007 the Citi Foundation granted $200,000 to the Rainforest Alliance (RA) to build the capacity of small and growing businesses and communities.
Cisco works together with Relief International to support rural enterprise in Lebanon

Cisco is partnering with Relief International to implement the Cisco Rural Enterprise Development for Information Technology (CREDIT) program. This program extends small loans to entrepreneurs wanting to start new IT and Internet access-related businesses in rural areas of Lebanon.
Cisco supports NEPAD E-Schools demonstration project

Cisco is a key participant in the New Partnership for Africa's Development of e-Schools by contributing with both people and financial resources to implement information and communication technology in educational institutions across the continent.
Chevron supports Global Fund to fight diseases

Chevron Corporation is Global Fund's first Corporate Champion, making a commitment to invest in Global Fund-supported programs fighting AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in parts of Asia and Africa.
Unilever, with support from NGOs, helps rural India through Project Shakti

Project Shakti is unleashing the potential of rural India and thus changing lives. It is ushering in prosperity and, more importantly, self-respect.