Education and training
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Verve Foundation

The Verve Foundation is a faith-based Nepalese NGO comprising young leaders committed to serving the community through social work. Verve works for the welfare and rehabilitation of street children and parentless kids and for skill development and empowerment of girls and young people.
Methodist Church in Kenya - Kieni Circuit Development Project

Methodist Church in Kenya -Kieni Circuit Development Project is a Kenyan NGO that aims to promote social justice and increase household income of poor communities in rural areas.
Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society
The Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society is an NGO in the Sundarban region of India.The organisation works for women and girls, providing training in a range of subjects including food processing and nursery management. The organisation is planning to establish a multi purpose...
Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environnement (ANCE)
Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environnement (ANCE-Togo) is an alliance of 26 affiliated community based organizations and more than 1500 individuals in Togo (West Africa). ANCE-Togo promotes health, environmental conservation and human development to help build a poverty-free Togo. ...
BUH is an NGO in Pakistan. that aims to generate resources for illiterate men and women, disabled persons, orphans, and widows in partnership with Oak Solutions Network, a company specialising in solar energy.
Centre for Human Rights Protection (CHRiP)

The Centre for Human Rights Protection (CHRiP) is a Malawian NGO that aims to promote and protect the rights of vulnerable and voiceless groups through programmes that focus on democratic governance, child and women’s rights, legal assistance, HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health rights, and...
Flora Stationery

Flora Stationery is a Texas-based non-profit started in 2014 to support university scholarships for young women in Kosovo through the sale of stationery products. As the organization has grown, they have continued to support and manage many programs that seek to empower young women through...
The Fever Relief Fund Foundation
The Fever Relief Foundation (FRF) is an American NGO that works for women and children in the US and in Ghana. The organisation sponsors ‘Project Kick’ which provides after school activities. Other projects supported by the Foundation include 'A Book In Hand’, ‘Change of Clothing’, ‘Project MD’,...
Hope for the Upcoming Generation (HUPGEN)

Hope for the Upcoming Generation (HUPGEN) is a Ugandan NGO that works of young people through the provision of skills. Currently, the organisation is involved in community mobilization; HIV/AIDS and other STDs awareness programmes; peer education for adolescent sexual and reproductive health;...
Institute for Development and Welfare Services (IDEWES)

The Institute for Development and Welfare Services (IDEWES) is a Kenyan NGO working in the Kibera area of Nairobi. The organisation runs a number of programmes including home based care, care and support for orphans and vulnerable children; reproductive health awareness; HIV/AIDS awareness and...
Kasubi Disabled Youth and Parents Association (KADIYOPA)

Kasubi Disabled Youth and Parents Association (KADIYOPA) is a Ugandan NGO that works for people with disabilities in hard to reach areas. The organisation aims to help people with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives through access to better education and opportunties.
All-Ukrainian Charitable Fund "To You"

The All-Ukrainian Charitable Fund "To You" (ACF 2U) is an NGO that aims to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable segments of the population. One of its main activities is human rights protection and the creation of a tolerant atmosphere in the country.
Samaritan Touch Organisation (STO)
The Samaritan Touch Organisation is a Christian NGO in the republic of South Sudan that aims to assist communities through working on education, child rights, gender based violence, HIV/AIDS, and other programmes.
Help and Save Development Organization (HASDO)

The Help and Save Development Organization (HASDO) is an NGO in Somalia. HASDO advocates for and supports vulnerable communities, including refugees,and pastoral communities.
National Council of Muslim Youth Organisations

The National Council of Muslim Youth Organisations is an umbrella body for Muslim youth organisations in Nigeria. The Council serves as a united front for Muslim Youth and coordinates activities with a view to fostering unity and promoting intra-religious harmony in the country.
Opening the Door to Development Technology to Rural People (ODDTRP)

Opening the Door to Development Technology to Rural People (ODDTRP) is a NGO that works to change the structure and processes that perpetuate poverty and suffering among the economically poor, vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalized groups in the community. They aim to mobilize...
The Juniper Trust
The Juniper Trust is a UK-based NGO that works in a low-impact, sustainable way to support the poorest communities, particularly children, listening to community needs in the developing world and working in equal partnership. The Trust has been working in Nepal for the past 20 years, building...
Dewdrops Community Centre for Special Needs and Vulnerable Women

The Dewdrops Community Centre for Special Needs and Vulnerable Women® is a Nigerian NGO that caters for a targeted population of low income earning families through donations from individuals and corporate bodies. The centre provides Special Education Needs services.
Changing Mentalities And Empowering Groups (CHAMEG)
Changing Mentalities and Empowering Groups (CHAMEG) is an NGO that operates in Cameroon and addresses problems related to the preservation, storage, marketing, and processing of food among the underprivileged. Its activities include training programmes, loan programmes, marketing of farmers'...
Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living)

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living) is an Indian NGO that aims to help tribal women to improve their lives through training, counselling and entrepreneurship.