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Job creation and enterprise development

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Article 13

Article 13 helps companies to operate in a manner that produces a positive impact on society - typically in the areas of CSR (corporate & social responsibility), sustainability, governance and social innovation. They offer a range of training, coaching, consultancy and research services. ...

Robin Hood Foundation - Asia

Robin Hood Asia is dedicated to helping companies create social initiatives that assist the poor while benefiting business. They believe that companies can become change agents for social good by adapting their products, services and business practices to a compelling social stand. Robin Hood...

In: Stories

Unilever, with support from NGOs, helps rural India through Project Shakti

Project Shakti is unleashing the potential of rural India and thus changing lives. It is ushering in prosperity and, more importantly, self-respect.

Pepal's Mission

Pepal’s mission is to foster an environment where private sector businesses and non-profit organisations can develop equal partnerships to achieve social change. They achieve their mission through designing and implementing innovative international development programmes which strategically pair...

In: Stories

Shared Value between Nestlé and crops producers

Nestlé is guided by the principle of creating shared value for shareholders and society in a manner that is integrally linked to its core business strategies and operations. It is called “Creating Shared Value (CSV)”; value created for shareholders, employees, farmers, consumers and the communities...

Development Executive Group

Development Executive Group provides an online marketplace for the global development industry. The website offers various development, intelligence and recruiting services for businesses, non-governmental organisations, and consultants who implement projects funded by the World Bank, USAID, and...

Association of Youth Support

The Association of Youth Support - Kazakhstan provides assistance to young adults in finding employment or starting their own businesses. It also helps youth locate opportunities for professional development or continuation of secondary education, and conducts workshops on leadership skills.

Eurasia Foundation (EF) - Russia

New Eurasia Foundation (FNE) is a Russian nonprofit organization that works to consolidate the efforts and resources of the public, private, and nongovernmental sectors and implement social and economic development programs at the regional and local levels that are based on the most advanced...

Upliftment Jamaica

Upliftment Jamaica upgrades and refurbishes schools, provides school scholarships, and promotes technology in schools. The organisation implements farming and vocational education projects; offers various sports and leisure programmes; provides food daily for people in immediate need; conducts...

Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation

The Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation is an independent NGO that runs an international and national grant programme. The Foundation supports projects that promote peace and enable people to help themselves through population planning, environmental conservation, agricultural improvement and enterprise...

Association For Development Cooperation

The Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH) was founded in Germany in 1959 as a Catholic based, international aid personnel service. AGEH partners with church based agencies and communities, as well as non-governmental organisations to bring about poverty reduction, peace service, and...

International Service

International Service (IS) is a development agency working in Latin America, West Africa and the Middle East. It is the oldest of the British volunteer sending agencies and IS partners with local organisations in these areas which work on a range of aid and development projects . It also seeks to...

World Food Programme (WFP) - Iran

Set-up in 1963, WFP is the United Nations frontline agency in the fight against global hunger. WFP uses its food to: meet emergency needs and support economic and social development. It also provides the logistics support necessary to get food aid to the right people at the right time and in the...

In: Resources

Inclusive Business - How to Develop Business and Fight Poverty

A publication from Endeva with a range of case studies.

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) - Afghanistan

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), is a United Nations entity working for the empowerment of women. UN Women in Afghanistan works across five programme areas: Gender and Justice; Women, Peace and Governance; Institutional Capacity Development; ...

In: News

Restaurants Help Romanian Orphans

After the execution in 1989 of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and the corresponding fall of the communist government, the world’s press got its first look at the horrendous conditions that Romanian orphans had been living in. Lack of basic care and attention left many of the children...

Amal Friends of Children Society

Friends of children society (Amal) is a voluntary non-profit national Sudanese Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) established and registered in 1984 to care for children in difficult situations. Amal have utilized a number of methods for tackling the street children problem including family...

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Through their Civil Society Program, the Foundation provides grants to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and South Africa. Through four programmes areas -- Central/Eastern Europe and Russia, South Africa, United States and Global -- they fund efforts to...

CHF International

CHF International aims to be a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low- and moderate-income communities around the world, helping them to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions.

Department for International Development (DFID) - India - New Delhi

The Department for International Development (DFID) India, with its headquarters in New Delhi, is part of the British High Commission family. It implements DFID's largest single overseas programme contributing to poverty eradication. DFID India's focus areas are: supporting partner states in...