United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service

The United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) is an inter-agency programme of the United Nations mandated to promote and develop constructive relations between the United Nations and civil society organizations.

The United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) promotes constructive relations between the United Nations and civil society through dynamic partnerships to foster greater coherence around cross-cutting and emerging issues on the UN’s agenda and by facilitating meaningful civil society engagement in UN processes.

With system-wide experience and expertise on civil society engagement, NGLS assists UN bodies and agencies in the implementation of their civil society strategies and helps address gaps and fill needs as they arise on the UN System-civil society interface. Upon request, it facilitates the coordination of civil society’s participation in inter-agency projects and initiatives. NGLS also organizes the annual CSO focal point meetings, bringing together all the staff responsible for external relations in the organizations of the multilateral system.

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Partnership types

Advocacy of global issues