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Advocacy of global issues

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Hong Kong Women Workers' Association

HKWWA was established at 1989 as a grassroots groups that organizes women and workers. It provides services and training to empower women to change the society with their capability. It also helps women to set up workers cooperatives to run business with economic democracy strategies.

Mamas for Burundi Association

MAFOBA is a non-profit association (asbl) initiated in 2015 by Burundian girls and women and approved by the Ministry of the Interior, patriotic training and communal development. MAFOBA is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) who works for the promotion of socio-economic rights, peace,...

Rescue Wing International Lbg

Rescue Wing International aims to walk shoulder by shoulder with Women, Young Girls and Children across the globe, protecting their right and supporting them to reach their Dreams through Educational Training. The differentiation between man and woman have reached to such an extent that it has...

Abibinsroma Foundation

AbibiNsroma Foundation (ANF), is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation, (REG CG024162020, DSW 2525), established in 2019 in Tema, Ghana, and committed to identifying, promoting and empowering grassroots to develop innovative solutions for the developmental challenges in Ghana and Africa. ...

Multi-stakeholder Platform on Education & Environment (MPEEN)

Multi-stakeholder Platform on Education & Environment (MPEEN) promotes equitable access to education by sponsoring orphans & other vulnerable children, and supporting schools to provide quality education to the learners through targeted teacher training and provision of relevant scholastic...

Health Concern Initiative Ltd

Health Concern Initiative (HCI) is a civil society organisation incorporated as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) registered in April 2017 under Reg. No 13.176. Among other objectives, the organisation seeks partnerships with government, local and international organizations, learning...

Heaven's Holistic Development

Heaven's Holistic Development (HHD) is a local CSO established in 2018 and registered at the Agency for Civil Societies of Ethiopia in July 2019. HHD envisions a justice-based, poverty-free, democratic and self reliable society in Ethiopia. Its mission is to ensure a better life for people...

Heart to Heart Project

HEART TO HEART PROJECT LTD is an International organization with an aim to reach out to children, women and girls, and other penurious groups for their rights, well-being, Health, education and their social-economic emancipation. OBJECTIVES : a) To provide the best care for the vulnerable...

Youth Legacy Ghana

Youth Legacy Ghana, also known as YOLEG, is a Ghana national youth-driven, non-governmental, and non-political organization located in Winneba in the Central Region of Ghana. YOLEG prioritizes social interventional activities about educational researches, climate sustainability, and biodiversity...

Ardha Jabesa Foundation

ARDHA JABESA foundation is Non Governmental and Nonprofit organization that was registered in the year 2017 with the registrar of societies in Kenya. The organization area of operation is Isiolo County, Northern Kenya and the office is based in Kinna and Kulamawe location of Garbatulla Sub County....

Nyendo-Mukungwe Integrated Community Initiatives

Nyendo-Mukungwe Integrated Community Initiatives is a Community-based organisation aimed at improving community health, household income, socio-economic status through initiating income generating activities at households level, environmental protection through tree planting and sustainable land...

Education Across Borders - Sierra Leone

Education Across Borders – Sierra Leone (EAB – SL) was founded since 2009 as a community based organization. This quest came as result of determined aspirations of talented and committed Sierra Leonean men and women to contribute to the education and socioeconomic development of deprived rural...

Hepatitis Aid Organization (HAO)

Hepatitis Aid Organization is a patient led civil society organization with a mission to engage, strengthen & empower communities in the fight against hepatitis in Uganda. HAO’s approach is by empowering communities to be hepatitis competent i.e. hepatitis patients, caregivers, families,...

Love Gives Foundation

Love Gives Foundation is a Massachusetts based non-profit charitable tax-exempt Organization. Love Gives Foundation is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of under-served people in developing countries, primarily the West African countries. The Foundation takes an integrated,...

Irie Kids, Inc.

Irie Kids, Inc. supports and develops programs that enhance the quality of life for underprivileged children in Saint Lucia. The organization provides clean water resources, medical equipment and school supplies. The compassionate team members are all volunteers.

Kihanga Farm Transport And General Trading Company Limited

Kihanga Farm Transport and General Trading Co. Ltd is a private company incorporated in 1999 as a Limited Company under Companies Act, 2002 by Reg. No. 35681. The company mainly undertakes farming activities, transport, agro-dealer and civil works tendered by government (TANROADS and TARURA),...


#GurdianTeenCare is a group set up by Susan, who was born in Kenya Nyandarua County and moved to Kwale last 4 years... Susan had herself a hard childhood and got married at the age of 16 years, and at the age of 23 years was separated and had 3 kids when she had to fight living as a mom. One...

Bunga ber Agro-Forestry Youth group

Bunga ber Agro Forestry Youth Group is located in Northern Uganda, Omoro District bordered by Gulu City on the north along Gulu-Kampal highway. The group's main focus is to raise as much seedlings as possible to enable mitigate negative impacts caused by numerous environmental concerns like : ...

Legacy Road Safety Initiative (LRSI)

Legacy Road Safety Initiative (LRSI ) is non-profit organisation championing safety measures on our roads and communities through use of IT, advocacy, training and research. Mission "To work with government and other stake holders to promote road safety standards by educating road users,...

Partners for Relief and Development Organization (PARDO)

The main goal of PARDO is to create partnership and contribute to a sustainable socio-economic development for vulnerable groups and needy communities through community engagement, capacity building, advocacy, relief and institutional strengthening at the grass root, regional and national levels in...