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Advocacy of global issues

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Bright Hope Ministries

Bright Hope Pakistan is set up to address the acute need of the oppressed, neglected and marginalized section of society in particular to protect children's from the unjustified persecution, maltreatment, inhuman violence, harassment, hatred and religious intolerance. Bright hope Pakistan is...

Green and Better World

GREEN AND BETTER WORLD is an association which has the following objectives : 1. To make the world a better place for all mankind to live in a friendly, peaceful and natural environment 2. Environmental protection and sustainability 3. To promote human rights, gender equality, women...

Youth Sport Uganda

Youth Sport Uganda (YSU) is a "sports for development" organization based in Kampala, Uganda. YSU runs sports programmes for young boys and girls from impoverished backgrounds which provide stability, opportunity and a chance to excel. Since 2006, YSU has helped thousands of children from different...

Sisters of Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (SSJBC)

Cottolengo Sisters Community was founded in Italy - Turin in the year 1832 by St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo. He started this congregation with aim of helping the poorest in need who are neglected and repugnant from the society. SSJBC's mission is to witness the love of God the provident Father by...

Communities in the Fight Against Hunger & Poverty-Sierra Leone

CiFAP-SL has been operational in Sierra Leone (to be specific chiefdoms in Bo District) since 2008, initially working in health and educational programs in Kakua chiefdom in the Bo District. In January 2010, CiFAP-SL took part in a multi-sector needs assessment in Bo District. The assessment...

Centre for Empowerment of Females with Disabilities (CEFED)

CEFED is an independent, non-governmental, inter-denominational, and non-profit Christian organization ministering to persons and families affected disabilities. Mission: CEFED seeks to promote the education and empowerment of Persons with Disabilities so as to break the vicious cycle of...

Centre for Women and Children's Reintegration (CEWOCHR)

CEWOCHR is a national NGO operating in North and North Eastern Uganda covering 4 districts in the North and 2 districts in the East. These districts share some cultures that discriminate against children born outside marriage and treat them as such. The organization employs lawyers, social workers...

Reaching the Unreached Tanzania (RUT)

RUT is a national voluntary based non-governmental organization (NGO) working to address sexual and reproductive health issues and promoting access to justice in Tanzania with focus on vulnerable and marginalized populations particularly adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), women and children. ...

Somali Environmental and Social Development Organization (SESDO)

SESDO Organization is a Swedish non-profit organizations with a mission to provide charitable assistance to implement educational development, social and environmental development. SESDO was established to fulfill the responsibility towards humanity regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, location,...

Foundation For A Drug-Free World Nigeria

The Foundation for A Drug-Free World Nigeria is a non profit organization that advocate on drug free society. We share free educational materials.

Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD)

Human rights and Environmental Action Development (HEAD) Is a non-profiteering, non- government rights based organization. Formally formed in 2008 with the sincere efforts of some dedicated social young workers with the objectives of assisting the disadvantaged people towards developing their...

Jesus Foundation Trust

Jesus Foundation Trust is working for common good of the people. Their current focus during coronavirus is to reduce the decease through giving hand sanitizers, masks, hand washing soap. The Trust also works on women development, children education, social development, water and environment,...

Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE)

Health and Development Agency for Community Empowerment (HADACE) is a voluntary and charity, non-partisan and non-government organization formed on the basis of helping the poor, vulnerable communities, orphans, women and the general community and population in Uganda. It gives support in form of...

Comboni Orphans Association

Comboni Orphans Association was started in order to show orphans and vulnerable children that other people still care for them, even though their parents are long gone. The association also help HIV carriers to fight against the suffering, thus increasing the chance for recovery. The Association...

Tekhsmart Zambia

Tekhsmart Zambia is a Zambian non-governmental organization registered with the ministry of community development and social services, (RNGO/101/833/18). The aim of the organization is to promote digital access, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital commerce, digital law, digital rights,...

Greener Pastures Foundation

Greener Pastures Foundation and its members aim to promote inclusive development through the promotion of the rights of persons living with disabilities and minority groups, eradicating poverty and ensuring that all youths are fully involved in the developmental processes and policies. GPF focuses...

Gredvad Rescue International

The Gredvad Rescue International OVC program empowers Orphans and Vulnerable Children Education and Care, their families, and their communities to build a foundation of actions and hope for healthy and sustainable future. They offer every eligible OVC within Gredvad Rescue International (GRI)...

Umbrella for Journalists in Kasese (UJK)

Umbrella for Journalists in Kasese (UJK) is a nonprofit making organization that brings together journalists who work in the area. The organization is not inclined to any political party. UJK makes sure that they remain impartial and tolerant to all mankind except where the moral questions are...

Connect Network Verified non-profit organisation

The Connect Network is a collaborative network of NGOs and churches in South Africa. Members of the Network aim to transform communities through working with women and children. Currently there are more than 115 members of the Network who provide services to more than 295,000 children and women....

Youth Development Organization Uganda

Youth Development Organization Uganda envisions a world in which war-affected communities are rehabilitated and children are never involved in armed conflict. The organization believes that all communities affected by Armed conflicts should be supported and empowered to enjoy their full rights and...