Rural communities in Serbia have IT services provided

Rural communities in Serbia are confronted with less infrastructure and opportunities, and hence higher levels of poverty. Access to IT facilities and computers/internet in particular remain a major challenge. This prevents people from accessing information such as job vacancies, buying machinery, appliances and agricultural inputs at more competitive prices, and learning languages and potentially new job skills.

The Temerin telecottage was established to operate as a business providing professional IT services to isolated rural communities. They are creating opportunities for information exchange that help farmers access capital and innovate their technology with new machinery, school children to research, write and print their assignments, and the old aged to better access and understand their rights on healthcare and pension payment plans.

Temerin telecottage formed a partnership in 2001 with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights, and the Hungarian Telecottage Association. With approximately 15,000 customers per year, an annual revenue of €15,000 and 2 full-time employees, the Temerin telecottage remains a revenue generating social enterprise with a sustainable business model.

Further information


Partnership types

Doing business with the poor

Regions / countries / territories

Europe: Serbia

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Education and training; Job creation and all (3)

Business sectors

Telecommunications and IT products and services