Partnerships allow Rural Finance Corporation to promote rural development in Moldova
Rural Finance Corporation (RFC) is a non-bank for-profit financial institution that has been functioning on the financial market of the Republic of Moldova for 10 years. Its mission is to directly take action against poverty in Moldova and promote rural development, offering favorable financial services and micro-credits to farmers and entrepreneurs, and indirectly by providing financial education to entrepreneurs.
RFC was formed through a joint collaboration of the World Bank, the Moldovan Government and the first Savings and Credit Associations of citizens (SCAs) of Moldova. The company was supposed to serve as a financial facility for the SCA network, which today (2009) accounts for 398 shareholder associations. The shareholders are also the primary customers of RFC and together with RFC act as a financing system for the SCAs’ members. SCAs are currently involved in providing financial assistance to 75,000 customers. The company offers loans to the poor people, whilst implementing money distribution systems that can ultimately reduce carbon footprints. RFC is now the Moldovan market leader on loans granted (1/4 of the market space), appropriating almost 29% of the industry profits.