Reach Out Ministries

Unverified non-profit organisation

Reach Out Ministries founded in 2006 with a vision of transforming the lives of people in communities through the provision of social amenities in order to empower them and improve quality of their lives. The ministry works to help the needy, poor and underprivileged through a simple ethos of: embrace, empower, educate & employ. We identify, assist and empower those who are in greatest need and subjected to poverty, in-humane & at risk life conditions, and provide select practical solutions to alleviate the affliction, provide to emergency response & sustain the value of human life. There are a lot of people who are facing a lot of problems due to poverty, orphan hood, HIV/AIDS and other natural and unnatural causes. These people are living in their own world of pain and are suffering silently while on the other end there are companies, individuals and organizations who are willing to support such people but are unaware of their existence or where they can be found.


Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

1 million - 100 million

Participant in relevant networks

Reach Out Ministries is working alongside Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (Hereafter also referred as MBC) aimed at helping to ease the suffering and alleviate poverty among the rural population through a ‘people helping people’ philosophy in which ‘the Haves’ directly or indirectly help the ‘the Have Nots’. This is a TV program Jones Chamangwana is a member of World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN) a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship and sub-group on pastoral care and healing community in Africa.

Further information

About this organisation

Partnership types

Doing business with the poor; Standards and guidelines development; Project funding; all (5)

Regions / countries / territories

Africa: Malawi

Global issues

Community development; Education and training; HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical