Manywa Initiative for Children
Unverified non-profit organisation
Manywa Initiative for children is located in Manywa L.C.I Kyanamukaka sub-county in Masaka District in Uganda.
The impoverished people in this target area live in Mud huts with straw roofs and dirt floors. They have no toilet or sanitary facilities and little access to safe, clean drinking water. Due to the dire poverty, parents are consumed with the daily toil of farming or hunting for their basic sustenance and children have little opportunity to go to school.
Identification and registering more orphans vulnerable children (ovc).
Provision of tuition fees, school uniforms and scholastic materials
Construction of conducive classrooms and create a conductive learning environment and orphanage home
Construction of pit latrines
Provision of educational needs to OVCs (children)
Conducting screening for healthy problems and provide treatment
Providing a hot meal to children at school
Training on children and women on livelihood skills
Initiating and supporting income generating projects at family level
The beneficiaries will be orphans and needy children whose parents died of HIV/AIDS, and other natural forms of death, needy children from families of low income and those with large number of children but cannot afford their education, destitute ,homeless and other forms of vulnerable children will be considered to be amongst the beneficiaries of the project.
The immediate families of these children will also in turn benefit by lifting /raising their general welfare through building up their capacities in child care issues, skills development, support their livelihood projects. The community especially will in turn benefit through activities like counseling, Health education and income generating projects extended to them and general guidance in family positive progress.