Business Opportunities Activation Ghana (BOA-GHANA)

(For-profit organisation)

BOA–GHANA will be incorporated as a profit social business organization under the laws of Republic of Ghana. The Board of Governors consisting of Chairman & Managing Directors of sponsor banks and the top executives of sponsor organizations with Mr. Mubarack Muhammad as the CEO to evolve in strategies and policy decisions making.
The Governing Council will consist of top executives from the sponsor organizations under the Leadership of a Chairman who will be elected is another apex level body which will meet periodically to monitor the progress of all the units and guide the institutes.
The Executive Director, a deputed officer from the sponsor bank will look after the day to day functioning of all the units and acts as a link between the sponsors and the units, convenes the apex body meetings.
Each BOA–GHANA training center will be managed by a deputed officer either from Partner Banks or NGOs and will be assisted by faculties and other staff members. It will also be assisted by ‘Local Advisory Committee’ (LAC) an advisory body with the representatives from Sponsors, Government officials and eminent personalities. It will periodically review and monitor the progress of BOA–GHANA
BOA–GHANA will collaboration with developmental agencies, institutions, voluntary organizations and government department viz. GYEEDA, YESP, NYA, SADA, BUSAC, MASLOC, rLG, YESDEC LESDEP etc. to achieve the common objectives has proved mutually beneficial.

Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

500,000 - 1 million

Participant in relevant networks


About this organisation

Partnership types

Doing business with the poor; Project funding; Provision of services / personnel

Regions / countries / territories

Africa: Ghana

Global issues

Education and training; Job creation and enterprise development

Goods categories


Business sectors

Education and training