Advocacy and Research on Environment, Health and Governance

Unverified non-profit organisation

ARE is a not for profit organization incorporated in Zambia that conducts research and advocacy for action on matters of public policies that affects Citizens pertaining to Environment, Health and Governance.

A society were the most vulnerable and less privileged people’s lives are uplifted.

To care, support and be the mouth piece for the general citizenry through advocacy on Governance, Health, Education, Entrepreneurship, Climate Change and Environment to uplift their lives.

Service Areas

1. ENVIRONMENT (Climate Change and Environmental Degradation)
1.1 Effects of climate change and pollution on the environment.
1.2 Empowerment of adversely affected communities.
1.3 Land use planning to protect swamps, water sinks, or other environmentally sensitive areas.
1.4 Resilience to climate change.

2.1 Sexual reproductive health rights and gender-based violence.
2.2 Teenage pregnancies and family planning.
2.3 Access to Anti-Retro viral Therapy
2.4 Accessibility of medical facilities for sexual reproductive health services.

3.1 Governance Cluster – Ministry of National Development Planning
3.2 Government expenditure and procurement processes.
3.2 Leakage of financial resources from Government.
3.3 Independent Electoral Processes.
3.4 Human rights and dissenting views.
3.5 Empowerment of women and youths.
3.6 Access to information.

4.1 Conduct research on matters pertaining to Environment, Health and Governance.
4.2 Provide consultancy services including development of Strategic Plans, Project Documents and Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks
4.3 Conduct Baseline, Midline and End line Evaluation of projects.

Participant in relevant networks

The Zambian Government Local Communities Civil Society Organisations Private Sector Institutions

Further information

About this organisation

Partnership types

Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Project funding; Provision all (4)

Regions / countries / territories

Africa: Zambia

Global issues

Community development; Job creation and enterprise development; Environment and all (5)

Goods categories

Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Apparel & fashion; Arts, crafts & all (4)

Business sectors

Agriculture and livestock; Community and social services; Environmental services; all (4)