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Doing business with the poor

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Katuna MARPs Organisation

Katuna MARPs Organization is a Ugandan registered Non Governmental Organization that targets the most at risk populations including the elderly, children and people living with disabilities. Mission: Socio-economic empowerment and reduction of HIV infections among the most at risk populations ...

Better Life Initiative

Better Life Initiative is a registered community based organization working in rural communities in western Uganda. It envisions a world where every person lives life in its fullness without limitations by health, housing, environment or economic conditions sustainably. The team is...

Living Gospel Evangelistic Church Ministries

The Registered Trustees of Living Gospel Evangelistic Church Ministries is a registered organization under the Trustees Incorporation Act operating in Malawi. The organization aims at promoting equitable social-economic development of people in the communities, support local community initiatives,...

Hope for Orphans and Rural Development (HORD)

Hope Orphans and Rural Development (HORD) is a non-political, non- economic Community-Based Organization (CBO) registered with the District Community Development Department of Kamuli District in Uganda. Since its inception, HORD has scaled up its support especially to the vulnerable women,...

Concerned Action For Health (CAFH)

Concerned Action For Health (CAFH) is a not for profit, non partisan registered community based organisation founded in 2005 with the aim of addressing the poor state of health services in northern Uganda. CAFH formerly started work from Pajule and Lapul sub counties in Pader District and later...

El Hombre Sobre la Tierra

El Hombre Sobre la Tierra (HST) is a Mexican NGO that works with the Mayan population in the Yucatan peninsula. The organisation is committed to fostering an endogenous participatory process in which the community establishes its own strategies to overcome marginalization, food dependency and low...

Globally Kenyan

Globally Kenyan is a Kenyan web design company that works with NGOs on web design. The company offers web design, ebranding and media liaison services.

Centre d'Encadrement Professionnel des Jeunes en Detresse

Centre d'Encadrement Professionnel des Jeunes en Detresse (CEPROJED) is an NGO in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation supports young people and women from conflict affected communities. Its main activities are women and youth empowerment, promoting human rights, civic and electoral...


Endeavour is an NGO based in Plymouth UK. The principal aim of the organisation is to engage and empower the individual, communities and organisations using community development approaches, increased community participation and social entrepreneurship. Endeavour seeks to identify and share...

Succeed Consult

Succeed Consult is a Ugandan company that offers corporate social responsibility and social accountability training, quality management systems training (ISO 9001:2008) and training in manufacturing operations management.

Babessi Cooperative Credit Union

The Babessi Cooperative Credit Union is a female led mixed farming group and micro finance institution whose aim is to fight poverty through the development of mixed fafming and agroforestry small scale systems in the Western Highlands of Cameroon.

Mbonweh Women's Development Association

The Mbonweh Women's Development Association is a women-led NGO in Cameroon that strives for equal justice and fair treatment of all irrespective of gender. The Association works a range of initiatives including education and vocational training, sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment,...

Helping Children

Helping Chldren is a Sri Lankan NGO that focuses on children and young people. The organisation is involved in a range of programmes including early childhood development, protection of children's rights, protection of the environment, entrepreneurial development, education and training, health...

Enactus Strathclyde

Enactus Strathclyde is a social enterprise set up by students in Scotland. The organisation has a microfinance team, and in addition, works on technology development in order to assist small businesses in less developed countries.

Mwosieta Company Ltd.

The Mwosieta Company Ltd is a Kenyan company that markets Freedays sanitary pads in the slums of Nairobi.

Bala Coffee Growers Cooperative Society Limited

The Bala Coffee Growers Cooperative Society Limited is an NGO in Uganda that distributes coffee seedlings free of charge to communities, and conducts bulk marketing for coffee. The Society conducts training on coffee production and marketing.

Opportunity International Australia

Opportunity International Australia provides small loans to families in developing countries to help them start a business, earn an income and leave poverty behind. By helping a mother buy a sewing machine to start a tailoring business or a father buy seeds to plant a vegetable garden, small loans...

Sabre Business World Limited

Sabre Business World Limited is a privately owned company is a Zimbabwean company that offers soft skills training in entrepreneurship and business skills development. The company aims to assist in growing the Zimbabwean economy by empowering people through better knowledge of how to do business...

Help Extension Group (HEG)

The Help Extension Group (HEG) is a Cameroonian NGO that works for the underprivileged, promoting health, education and agriculture. HEG provides education, training and healthcare for children, and provides farmers with basic equipment and small capital sums. The organisation also works on...

Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD)

The Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD) is a Pakistani NGO that began by promoting self-help in regard to saving and internal lending. The organisation has also established the Earth Stars Academy in Islamkot, providing high school level English medium education. Overall, ISRD aims to ...