Standards and guidelines development
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Uganda Mines, Metal, Oil, Gas And Allied Workers' Union [UMMOGAWU]
Uganda Mines, Metal, Oil, Gas And Allied Workers Union is a non profit organisation which advocates for better working conditions and payments for workers in Mines, Metal, Oil and Gas sectors in Uganda. The organisationn is affiliated to the Ingternational Metalworkers' Federation (IMF).
The Labour Principles of the United Nations Global Compact: A Guide for Business
This Guide includes a brief description of each of the four Global Compact labour principles: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; the effective abolition of child labour; and the...
1.3 Medical equipment, products & supplies
Global Hand recommends the WHO Guidelines for Drug Donations as summarised here. By describing "good donation practice", these guidelines aim to improve the quality of drug donations.
Guide for Effective Aid - Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)
The South American branch of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has prepared a set of guidelines to assist relief organisations in sending effective aid to support disasters. The guidelines advise on what a relief organisation should do immediately after a disaster. Also listed are items that...
Samaritan's Purse International Relief (SPIR) - Donating Medical Materials
Samaritan's Purse has detailed guidelines for those donating medical items. Factors that should be taken into account include: equipment condition, intended use, maintenance requirements, and availability of parts or accessories. Although the guidelines are specific to the operations of this...
Guidelines for the Donation of Medications (GNPPLUS)
The Global Network of People living with Aids (GNPPLUS) has produced this document, which lists guidelines for donations of medicines. It refers to legal issues relating to both donors and recipients. It recommends that drugs should appear on the national Essential Drug List, or if no list is...
Mango is a UK based charity that provides financial management services (recruitment, training, financial software, networking, and consultancy) to relief and development operations. Mango aims to encourage and strengthen the financial management of NGO's.
British Overseas NGOs for Development (BOND)
BOND is a network of more than 275 UK based voluntary organisations working in international development and development education. BOND aims to improve the UK's contribution to international development by promoting the exchange of experience, ideas and information amongst BOND members, between...
Development Gateway
Development Gateway is a non-profit organisation that provides information tools and services to support international development. The organisation supports the aid effectiveness agenda by strengthening partner country systems in public financial management and government procurement. Its...
Business UNusual
Business UNusual, a collaborative publication of the United Nations Global Compact Office and the Global Public Policy Institute, provides an overview of recent partnership activities in the United Nations, as well as the challenges the UN faces in its efforts to engage the private sector and...
Partnering for Development - Making it Happen
Partnering for Development - Making it Happen, a booklet, builds on the report from the Commission on the Private Sector and Development and looks at three areas of engagement: the development of commercially sustainable business models that can be expanded and replicated; the reform of laws,...
Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Meet Public Needs: The Potential of Partnerships to Advance Progress on Hunger, Malaria and Basic Education
Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Meet Public Needs: The Potential of Partnerships to Advance Progress on Hunger, Malaria and Basic Education, a report of the WEF, discusses the four main ways in which businesses typically engage in the process of economic development: core business...
Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle
Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle was offered as a means of stimulating discussion about partnerships at the World Economic Forum's 2003 Meeting in Davos. The document attempts to define public-private partnerships, provide examples of such partnerships and suggest questions that...
Caring Heart Charity Foundation
Caring Heart Charity Foundation is a non profit charitable organisation dedicated to help improve living conditions and build a better future for disadvantaged people in Russia. It collects and distributes clothing and household goods among people in need and social welfare organisations such as...
Kasese Community School for Orphans
Kasese Community School for Orphans is a school in rural western Uganda providing education to children orphaned by Aids. The school was started by a non-profit organisation which caters for disadvantaged children in Uganda. The school also runs on a non-profit basis and is primarily funded by...
Belize Eco-Tourism Association (BETA)
Belize Eco-Tourism Association (BETA) believes in promoting environmentally responsible tourism, encourages sensitivity to the impact of tourism, promotes pollution prevention and environmental concerns, and encourages education for locals and visitors.
Lanka Lutheran Church (LLC)
Lanka Lutheran Church (LLC) works in unchurched areas around the tea plantations in the hill areas of Sri Lanka.
Solidarity Against AIDS Organization
Solidarity Against AIDS Organization is a community-based organization offering HIV/AIDS services in Amuria and Soroti Districts in eastern Uganda. Its mission is to improve the health of the people of Teso region, through various programs of mitigation against the impact of HIV/AIDS on the...
IBLF's blog on sustainability and CSR
Founded in 1990, IBLF is an independent, global organisation working with leading multinational companies on the sustainability and corporate social responsibility agenda.
Business-NGO Relationships for Environmental Conservation in Hong Kong: Capacity Building for NGOs and the Roles of Government and Business-Related Organisations
This is an article published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Public Administration, vol 29, no 2, in December 2007. Drawing on stakeholders' views collected from 31 in-depth face-to-face interviewees, the article investigates business-NGO relationships for environmental conservation in Hong...