BethanyKids // Bethany Relief and Rehabilitation International

Unverified non-profit organisation

The death rate for children born with a congenital anomaly is about 100x higher in Sub-Saharan Africa than it is in North America with an average of only 1 pediatric surgeon for every 3 million children across the continent.

As one of the first organizations to begin training pediatric surgeons on the continent of Africa we continue to lead the way in training and resourcing pediatric surgeons.

In short, as a Jesus-Centered organization, we train and resource pediatric surgeons from across Africa that save lives on a daily basis.


Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

1 million - 100 million

Participant in relevant networks

BethanyKids partners with 10 different hospitals across the continent, alongside other health focused entities, including the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons, who we partner with for our training sites.

About this organisation

Partnership types

Project funding; Provision of services / personnel

Regions / countries / territories

Americas: Canada

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Disability issues; HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, all (3)