Sudhar Centre
Unverified non-profit organisation
SUDHAR CENTRE is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-religious and volunteer organization with only goal to support physically disable women community development programmes at grassroots level. Sudhar Centre is working for the development and promotion of the disable women and adolescent girls.
Sudhar Aims and objectives :
1. To setup dispensary for the service of disable Women. 2. To provide opportunities to improve physical and mental health through series of health programs and events. 3. To improve the quality of life of disabled Women in general in order to make them an effective and honorable citizen of the community.4. To help handicap disable Women.
5. To enable disabled Women to play their vital role in building up on egalitarian society and promoted culture of peace, tolerance and acceptance.
6. To start skill development centre for disabled Women in the poor community.
7. To motivate and enable disabled person to participate in the process of sustainable development in order to improve their livelihood.
8. To do all such acts and deeds which are necessary for the welfare of disabled persons.Mission Statement : To Convert Disable Women and Adolescent girls into able Women and Adloscent girls of the society.