Youth Initiatives for Empowerment to live in Dignity (YIELD)
Unverified non-profit organisation
Youth Initiatives for Empowerment to live in Dignity (YIELD) is a non-profit making, non-partisan and non-religious, non-discriminating community-based organization. YIELD was established in October 2018. YIELD’s interventions target vulnerable children and youth (Inclusive of those with Disability) of ages ranging from Nine years to thirty-Five years. (09 -35 years) as first direct beneficiaries in its programming and implementation with greater emphasis or special focus on girl child, adolescent girls and young women.
YIELD is a platform to address the key socio-economic challenges that adolescents and young people in Nansana Municipality (Gombe, Nabweru, Nansana, Busukuma and Nangabo Sub counties) face in access of their rights, care, participation and involvement in the society.
Key result areas
(i) Organizational Development, Institutional Strengthening, Advocacy and an Enabling and responsive Environment:
(ii) Sustainable livelihoods
(iii) Health
(iv) Disability Inclusion
(v)Emergency Response preventive interventions
(vi)Sports and social activities