St. Miracle Works Educational Foundation

Unverified non-profit organisation

St. Miracle works Educational Foundation based in Senya Beraku, Ghana working to improve on the quality of life of the less privileged and supporting rural communities. St. Miracle Works Education Foundation focuses on education, childcare, healthcare and community development projects in Ghana. The Foundation runs its own school, orphanage, sport academy and agricultural program. The work of the foundation is continuously supported by potential international volunteers and assisted by a hardworking local team/staff.


Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

Less than 500,000

Participant in relevant networks

Our Generation Voluntary Organisation, Heshbon's Foundation

Further information

About this organisation

Partnership types

Project funding; Provision of services / personnel

Regions / countries / territories

Africa: Ghana

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Community development; Education and training; all (6)

Goods categories

Educational; Medicine & health; Shelter & construction; Sports & recreation

Business sectors

Agriculture and livestock; Community and social services; Construction; Education all (6)