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No Stone Cast Halfway Home

No Stone Cast Halfway Home is an organisation in Kenya that reaches out to young women in crisis pregnancy situations, providing counselling and support until the baby is born. Thereafter the organisation provides some financial support for the women, intended to help them start a small business.

Umoja East Africa Fund Kenya

Umoja East Africa Fund Kenya is an NGO that sims to shape civil society by sharing skills, technology and resources while respecting the self-determined needs, culture and environment of the local population.

Smile Across Africa

Smile across Africa is a Christian NGO in Kenya that works on issues related to education. The organisation also provides sanitary towels to schoolgirls, and teaches young people about HIV/AIDS.

IHOPE Foundation

IHOPE Foundation is a Kenyan NGO working to improve rural health through creative and innovative approaches targeting the most at risk population. Thematic areas include health, reproductive health, OVC support, water sanitation and health education, and the environment.

Mwosieta Company Ltd.

The Mwosieta Company Ltd is a Kenyan company that markets Freedays sanitary pads in the slums of Nairobi.

Moonlight Friends Self Help Group

The Moonlight Friends Self Help (MFSH) is a Kenyan NGO that works on HIV/AIDS related issues. Currently, the Group is mobilising and scaling up a community based response to orphans and vulnerable children through a project called " The Six Services Key Areas" funded by AMPATH/USAID.

Hillary Mainga Foundation

The Hillary Mainga Foundation is a Kenyan NGO. The Foundation focuses on the provision of quality education for orphans and vulnerable children, runs an adult literacy project, and provides food for the needy.

Thika Plastix

Thika Plastix is a private company in Kenya that recycles plastics to make basic household items.

Tumaini Miles of Smiles Centre

Tumaini Miles of Smiles Centre is a Kenyan NGO that works with children and youth especially the underprivileged in rural areas. The Centre runs a children's home, a school and a youth polytechnic, and oversees programmes in the community for women and girls. The organisation also provides ...

Katilu Ward Students Association (KWASA)

The Katilu Ward Students’ Association (KWASA) is a Kenyan association for students in Turkana County. KWASA aims to unite students from various districts in the County and to help improve their lives.

MEFAG Children Centre

MEFAG Children Centre is an NGO in a Kenyan slum that cares for infected and affected HIV/AIDS orphans. MEFAG has helped 500 orphans since its inception, many of whom have completed basic education.

Kenya National Library Service (KNLS)

The Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) is a statutory body of the Government of Kenya established by an Act of Parliament, Cap 225 of the Laws of Kenya in April 1965. The Board‘s mandate is to develop, promote, establish and equip libraries in Kenya. KNLS provides a range of services related to...

Jambo Toto Children Centre

The Jambo Toto children Centre is a Kenyan NGO that runs a school and a community feeding centre for marginalized children, supporting 152 orphans and vulnerable children in between 3 and 12, many of whom were working as child labourers while others are street children.

Seeds of Love Community Self Help Group

The Seeds of Love Community Self Help Group is an organisation in Kenya that works for vulnerable children and orphans, providing education and care.

Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development Africa

The Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development (HESED) Africa is a Kenyan NGO that addresses problems facing children, women and youth in the context of health and social economic empowerment while integrating cross cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS, human rights, peace building and...

Kisii Street Kids Ministries

Kisii Street Ministries is a Christian organisation in Kenya that works with street kids and destitute families, as well as preaching the gospel.

Flarmic Care Centre

The Flarmic Care Centre is a Kenyan NGO. The organisation is a project of the Flaming River Church. The Centre is a faith-based organisation that aims to encourage the educational interests of local churches, organizations and individuals and to promote fellowship among local churches.

Mogusii Rangau Residents Association

Mogusii Rangau Residents Association is a Kenyan NGO that works with community based development groups, the Government of Kenya (GOK) and other development agencies to empower the community to access an adequate supply of clean water for domestic use.

Social Care And Regeneration Partners (SCARP)

Social Care And Regeneration Partners (SCARP) is a Kenyan NGO that focuses on child rights and care, education, health and nutrition, the empowerment of women and young people, and hygiene and sanitation. The organisation is currently running healthcare initiatives in homes, schools and...

Crossover Youth Polytechnic

Crossover Youth Polytechnic is a Kenyan organisation that trains students in mechanics and auto repairs,dressmaking,carpentry,paper making and masonry. The organisation also runs workshops for street children and people from the slums.