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Simama Children Services

Simama Children Services is a Kenyan NGO that seeks to respond to the many educational, social, livelihood and training needs that under privileged children and youth encounter. SCS also supports campaigns against issues/ practices that negatively affect the education of children and youth eg drug...

Kanyala Little Stars Organisation

Kanyala Little Stars Organization is a Kenyan NGO that promotes and provides humanitarian support, technical assistance and emergency relief to disadvantaged people (orphans, widows and those living with HIV/AIDS) through its pre-primary and primary school and horticulture model farm. The...

Godnyinyo Baptist Church

Godnyinyo Baptist Church is a religious organisation in Kenya that cares for and educates orphans and widows in addition to its faith-based activities.

Juba Light Organization

The Juba Light Organization is a Somalian NGO that works with and advocates for the needy. The organisation works on issues related to agriculture and social services, including education, health, and water and sanitation. The Foundation focuses on gender equality, and advocates for peaceful...

Kyandani Technologies Development Group (KTSDG)

Kyandani Technologies Development Group (KTSDG) is an NGO based in Nairobi, Kenya. The Group plans to undertake community development projects such as borehole drilling and water harvesting, flower farming and training.

Fire Revival Apostolic Ministries

Fire Revival Apostolic Ministries is an organisation in Kenya that aims to spread the Christian message as widely as possible. In addition, the Ministry would like to establish a children's home, to care for the needy and to provide relief during emergencies.

Centre for HIV/AIDS Education Society

The Centre for HIV/AIDS Education Society is a Kenyan NGO that currently works with National AIDS Control (NACC), NASCOP and churches on AIDS-related issues. The Society provides training using churches as venues. Its resources depend on well wishers and commitment by the committee members

One World Childcare

One World Childcare is a Kenyan NGO that aims to persuade street children to go to school. The organisation also runs a feeding scheme for orphans and street children, and provides counselling and rehabilitation for street children.

Growth Partners Africa

Growth Partners Africa is a capacity development NGO based in Nairobi. The organisation applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for its partners. Sustainable solutions underpin all its interventions which are in...

She Community Based Organisation

The She Community Based Organisation is an NGO in Kenya that works on issues related to community empowerment and community sensitisation on environmental conservation, and talent nurturing.

Crocodile Friends for Justice

Crocodile Friends for Justice is a Kenyan NGO whose members have all been attacked by crocodiles. The organisation works with people with disabilities, helping them to improve their ability to farm, for example, using greenhouse technology. The organisation also advocates on issues relating to...

Harvest Land Ministries International

Harvest Land Ministries International is a Christian organisation in Kenya. In addition to its faith-based actvities, the Ministries helps the less fortunate such as orphans, vulnerable children, street kids and widows. In particular, the organisation supports HIV/AIDS and education projects. ...

Families Christian Church Ministry of Africa

Families Christian Church Ministry of Africa is a Christian NGO in Kenya involved in improving the livelihood of poor families through advocating for social.change and removal of cultural bariers to economic development of disadvantaged group of people.

Laverna Children’s Home & primary school

Laverna children’s home and primary school is a registered non-profit community oriented development organization with over six years experience in child development situated in Donyo sabuk Kiboko Location, Matungulu District Machakos County in Kenya. The organization was established in 2005 and ...

Arrow Kenya

Arrow Kenya is a Kenyan NGO that works in health care education and community service. The organisation has established a health care facility in the Kayole Soweto slums of Nairobi focusing on serious health challenges such as the lack of family planning, HIV/AIDS, maternal health, and threats...

Amani PLWHA Self Help Group

The Amani PLWHA Self Help Group is an NGO in Kenya that cares for orphans and promotes sustainable development.

Enyenge Development Initiative

The Enyenge Development Initiative (EDI) is an NGO in Cameroon. The organisation aims to promote development. Currently, EDI is working on a project to provide a hand pump water system to local communities.

Life Focus Group

The Life Focus Group is a Kenyan NGO that has worked in peace education. The Group is involved in education and training.

Shauri Yako Community Youth Support Centre (SYSC)

The Shauri Yako Community Youth Support Centre (SYSC) is a Kenyan NGO that works with underprivileged young people living in the slums, helping them to access development opportunities. The organisation focuses on skills training and health promotion.

Foundation for Child Support and Development (formerly Camp David Centre)

The Foundation for Child Support and Development is a registered charity in Kenya that works for the community, in particular, for children and their rights. The Foundation is currently seeking sponsors for 330 orphaned children who urgently need help.