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Kuria Development Community for the Marginalised

The Kuria Development Community for the Marginalised is a Kenyan NGO working in rural areas for orphans and vulnerable children, many of whom have been affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The organisation helps children to access education, provides computer training for young people, and helps...

Charity Centre for Widows and Orphans

The Charity Centre for Widows and Orphans is a Kenyan NGO that aims to assist widows and orphans by establishing orphanages and helping widows to start their own small businesses.

Regina Pacis University College

The Regina Pacis University College is an institution for higher learning in Kenya targeting bright students from poor families with a bias for girls. The College is solidly grounded on Christian principles and values and has many years of experience working with communities at the bottom of the...

Exodus Concerned Programme

The Exodus Concerned Programme is a Kenyan NGO. The organisation is in the process of establishing an anti-HIV/AIDS project.

True North Foundation

The True North Foundation is an NGO in Kenya focusing on the rehabilitation and aftercare of addicted young people.

Nadhifu Mums Power

Nadhifu Mums Power is an NGO in Kenya that assists women, particularly those who need to work because they have lost their homes or families through domestic violence and lack relevant skills. The organisation aims to provide such women with vocational skills like dressmaking, bead work,...

Kiritiri Water Resource Users' Association

The Kiritiri Water Resource Users' Association is a community based Kenyan NGO whose core objective is the mobilization of resources for the rehabilitation, conservation and development of the water and environmental sectors in Gachoka, Embu County. The organization hopes to improve the...

Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA)

The Alliance of Local Communities in Hardship Areas (ALCHA) is an NGO in Kenya. The Alliance was formed to bring together efforts to empower pastoralist communities in the Moyale and Sololo districts through utilising resources and promoting sustainable development. Areas of intervention include...

Mwengenye Widows and Orphan Slums Organization (Mwoso)

Mwengenye Widows and Orphans Slums Organization (MWOSO) is a Kenyan NGO. The organisation aims to offer environmental and social educational skills to local orphans and to show widows how to generate income through poultry farming in the Mwengenye slums and rural counties. The overall aim of the...

Relief Web

ReliefWeb was launched in October 1996 by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). ReliefWeb is a comprehensive source of information (including documents, maps and agency contact details) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. It provides timely, reliable and relevant...

Proclaimers of Christ Ministries International

Proclaimers of Christ Ministries International is an NGO in Kenya. The organisation is involved in primary education in addition to its faith-based activities.

Hope Development Volunteers

Hope Development Volunteers is an organisation dedicated to supporting development, through linking volunteers and charitable organisations around the world. The organisation offers volunteering projects to international volunteers wanting to volunteer in Africa and work with disadvantaged...


Recognising the importance of safe water supplies as a basic human right, LifeStraw is a portable water purification tool that cleanses surface water making it safe for human consumption. LifeStraw is a preventative tool against the transmission of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, cholera,...

Future Generation Consortium

The Future Generation Consortium is an NGO in Kenya whose main aim is to find creative and sustainable solutions to key community challenges. The Consortium provides a number of services to its members and others in the following areas: personal development and advocacy, health and safety,...

Project Africa

PROJECT AFRICA was incorporated in Kenya as a non profit NGO in 2008. Today the organization provides supports and services annually to over 1000 women and girls from poor rural and urban settings in Kenya. Its assistance is designed to support individual women and girls to break free from the...

Action for Research and Development

Action for Research and Development (AFORD) is a Kenyan NGO operating in rural and semi-urban communities of Kenya. The organisation is committed to the improvement of health and to poverty reduction. AFORD focuses particularly on the needs of orphans, and runs a sponsorship programme to assist in...

African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)

AMREF is an NGO whose mission is to empower people in Africa to enjoy better health. AMREF's three core strategies are capacity building, operation research and advocacy. Its priority intervention areas include HIV/AIDS, malaria, water and basic sanitation, and disaster management and response.

Youth For Development Initiative

The Youth For Development Initiative (YFDI) is a Kenyan NGO. The organisation aims to improve the lives of vulnerable groups by providing life skills training and employment. YFDI is developing a solid waste management programme and is also involved in helping to improve community and environmental...

Awareness Group On AIDS Prevention (AGAP)

The Awareness Group on Aids Prevention aims to increase the awareness of HIV/Aids in Kenya, mainly through using strategically located billboards.

St. Samuel Hope Centre

The St Samuel Hope Centre is an NGO in Kenya. The organisation aims to transform street children and poor orphans by providing basic needs including food, clothing, shelter, education, health, skills training, and guidance.