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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

UNEP's mission is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. UNEP has initiated events, projects and programmes on the...

Kenya Connection Ministries International

Kenya Connection Ministries International is an NGO working for orphans and destitute families in rural farming areas of central Kenya. The organisation's parent organisation is a faith-based institution in Georgia, USA.

Uwezekano Initiatives

Uwezekano Initiatives is a Kenyan NGO working with grassroots communities to promote socio-economic empowerment and development of the less priveledged. The organisation endeavours to develop knowledge and capacity of vulnerable groups through training,support and information sharing in order to...

Apex Education Centre

The Apex Education Centre is an organisation that provides education for children in the Thika District of Kenya. The Centre is currently looking for help to enable it to extend its services.

Ever Prasinus Organisation

The Ever Prasinus Organisation is a Kenyan NGO that assists disabled children. The organisation is currently looking for partners for a waste recycling project.


Christian Approach to Development in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya (CADASAL-Kenya) is a community based organisation that mobilizes rural people in Mbeere to address poverty and recurrent famines that occur frequently in the region. CADASAL-Kenya implements projects and also provides support...

Tumaini Ministries

The Tumaini (which means “hope” in Swahili) Ministries is a children’s home built in 2004 in the Kanyriri village on the outskirts of Nairobi. Tumaini is a biblically-based facility bringing up Kenyan orphans, teaching them Christian values, and preparing them to become efficient citizens and...

Springs of Life Children`s Centre

Springs Of Life Children`s Centre is a children`s centre run by people living in the Kibera Slum, Nairobi. The Centre provides education , food , accommodation, security, and opportunities for development and participation to children orphaned by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Currently there are 45...

Joyfull News Ministry

Joyfull News Ministry offers a compassionate Christian response to the needs of widows and orphaned children through spiritual, educational, medical, and welfare assistance. The Ministry gives special attention to HIV/AIDS-affected persons.

Vijana Kwa Mazingira

Vijana Kwa Mazingira is a community-based organisation in Nairobi. The organisation works mainly on environmental issues and on health using comunity theatre to put its messages across.

Brooklyn High School

Brooklyn High School is a small educational institution in Nairobi, Kenya. The school provides secondary education targeted particularly at poor students. There are currently 198 students in the school.

Community Response for Orphans Support Network

The Community Response for Orphans Support Network is an NGO in Kenya that supports orphans, The Network is currently setting up a project to support families affected by HIV/AIDS.

Rug n Art Studios Outreach Programme (RASOP)

Rug n Art Studios Outreach Programme(RASOP) is a recently established project for women in Kenya. The project teaches women the art of weaving sisal to make baskets and rugs, and is based on an earlier initiative in Nairobi. The project uses locally available materials, and the women being...

Mutonguni Ecosystem Environmental Management Alliance

The Mutonguni Ecosystem Environmental Management Alliance is a community-based organisation in Kenya. The organisation works with marginalised groups on environmental issues.

Community Smile International (CSI)

Community Smile International is Kenyan NGO dedicated to working to alleviate poverty through environmental advocacy, advocacy on behalf of women and children, training for the empowerment of young people and women, and work on health-related issues. The organisation is also interested in promoting...

Siisa Rehabilitation Centre

Siisa Rehabilitation Centre is a church based organisation in Kenya that cares for and supports orphans and street children, providing basic education and food. The organisation has acquired a piece of land on which to build accommodation and a school for the large number of orphans who attend...

One Youth Ministry

One Youth Ministry is is a faith-based organisation in Kenya. The Ministry is involved in reaching out to young people through entrepreneurship, pre-marital counselling, training and other activities.The organisation also prepares young people for the ministry.

Isiolo Youth Against Aids and Poverty

This organisation is involved and interested in HIV and AIDS activities in Kenya, specially concerning orphans and youth and helps them to fight the poverty.

Murera AIDS Prevention and Support Group

Murera AIDS Prevention and Support Group focuses mostly on education, prevention and the support of those affected/infected by the disease, creating a sound and pro-active atmosphere which aims at helping the community in understanding those people who have been infected by HIV/aids. At the same...

Oases Community Centre

Oases Community Centre is a community-based organisation in Nairobi. The Centre was set up to support vulnerable children, orphans and lone parents in the community mainly through education and associated social services. The Oases Academy, part of the Centre, provides quality but affordable...