Meeting the Challenge of Expanding Inclusive Business
Most people interested in inclusive business have heard the success stories: Coca-Cola has generated $550 million in additional revenues by integrating local entrepreneurs into their beverage distribution chain in markets across Africa. Vodafone – one of the world’s largest telecommunications firm – now reaches approximately 20 million customers thanks to the introduction of its mobile money transfer application, M-PESA. While these anecdotes are inspirational, most companies can’t relate just yet to the enormous successes realized by Coke and Vodafone.
Most companies investing in low-income communities – either by providing access to goods and services or by providing jobs and livelihood opportunities – are struggling to figure out how they expand these models in a way that makes sense for their core business. One challenge is that they often lack the resources, support and time necessary to see what will and will not work. What follows is a couple of key “on-the-ground” insights for building scalable, profitable businesses.
This blog by Amanda Gardiner, Acting Programme Manager for the Business Call to Action, provides puzzled CEOs and other interested individuals an overview on how to meet the challenge of expanding inclusive business models.