Ruchika Social Service Organization

Unverified non-profit organisation

Ruchika Social Service Organization is a non-profit voluntary establishment founded on the very strong educational and charitable principles in the slums of Bhubaneswar, Inderjit Khurana, India. Currently serving over 4000 underprivileged children and their families, the organisations main objective is illustrated in their own mission statement “if the child cannot come to the school, then the school must come to the child”. The RSSO make use of a various number of educational innovations in the pursuit of their goal of equal education opportunities and improved learning environments for all children in their communities. Some of the actions implemented in these so-called ‘platform schools’ include a supplementary nutrition programme during school hours, improved personal hygiene and medical care for the children, advocacy amongst the children’s families and then the opportunity of entrance in a conventional school environment. These activities strive to create an environment where children are taught that they can be active participants and positive contributors to their communities.


Year established


About this organisation

Regions / countries / territories

Asia: India

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Education and training