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Tribal Development Gospel Association

The Tribal Development Gospel Association is an Indian Christian organisation that is involved in child care in addition to its faith-based activities. The Association is attempting to raise funds for an orphanage project.

Asha Kiran (A Rural Development Organisation)

Asha Kiran (A Rural Development Organisation is a Indian NGO based in Andhra Pradesh. The organisation works for the development of the rural poor, the downtrodden and underprivileged members of the community, especially women and children. Projects include issues related to health, education,...

Jambuni Abarta

Jambuni Abarta is an NGO based in West Bengal. The organisation works on environmental conservation.

Creative Action for Rural Development (CARD)

Creative Action for Rural Development (CARD) is an Indian NGO that works for Dalits in rural areas. Activities in which CARD has been engaged for the past 25 years include the development of micro-credit, community health, education and the encouragement of women's empowerment. ...

The Veolia Foundation assists children with disabilities to access education in Calcutta

Two Indian NGOs, Calcutta de la Rue a l'Ecole, and Tomorrow's Foundation, have received a grant from the Veolia Foundation that will enable them to install a mobile education unit on a bus which crisscrosses Calcutta every day.

Cultural Educational and Environmental Organisation

The Cultural Educational and Environmental Organisation is an Indian NGO that aims to promote Kashmiri culture and to educate and develop young people of Kashmiri origin. The organisation also promotes health and works to protect the environment, organises free medical camps, providing assistance...

Voluntary Organization for Rural Development-in-Action (AVORD)

The Voluntary Organization for Rural Development-in-Action (AVORD) is an Indian NGO that is committed to raising awareness of the role of education in social change among grassroots communities. The organisation focuses on deprived children, including street children, orphans and the children of...

Tribal and Rural Empowerment and Enlightenment Services

The Tribal and Rural Empowerment and Enlightenment Services is an Indian NGO that is involved in health, education, women's empowerment, livelihood development, focusing particularly on tribal rights.

Phooleen Mahila Chetna Vikas Kendra

Phooleen Mahila Chetna Vikas Kendra is an Indian NGO that works as a facilitating actor for the development of underprivileged communities in Jharkhand in Eastern India. Pholeen works on issues related to health, nutrition, education, women's empowerment and livelihood promotion. The organisation...

Kartikeya Gramodhyog Shikshan Sansthan

Kartikeya Gramodhyog Shikshan Sansthan is an Indian NGO that works for underprivileged people in Uttar Pradesh. The organisation currently runs a primary school for 250 children together with medical awareness camps and girl child education awareness.

Association for Rivers and Coastal-Ecosystems Conservation

The Association for Rivers & Coastal-Ecosystems Conservation (ARCC)is a small network of indigenous community based organizations in Bengal. ARCC aims to promote conservation through education in order to encourage the biodiversity, reforestation, afforestation and other projects aimed at...

CSC (Computer Education Pvt. Ltd.)

CSC (Computer Education Pvt. Ltd.) is an Indian company offering skill training in Tamil Nadu.

Ruby Children Home

Ruby Children Home is an Indian NGO that has cared for more than 500 orphans in the past 20 years. The organisation also provides education for the children.

Communication for Development and Learning

Communication for Development and Learning (CDL) is an NGO operating in Karnataka, India, that facilitates the use of communication as an integral part of the development process. CDL engages with alternative and mainstream publications in English and Kannada ( the local language) to provide an...

Vishwjeet Green Power Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Vishwjeet Green Power Technology Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian that works in the renewable energy sector manufacturing solar water pumps, LED lights, solar inverters, and AVC Systems.

Sarala Foundation

The Sarala Foundation is an Indian NGO established in memory of the founder's daughter, SARALA, who died aged 4. The Foundation aims establish an orphanage for street children, an old age home for poor and needy people, and an English medium school for rural and backward students.

The Olive Orissa

The Olive Orissa is an Indian NGO that works on issues relating to the health and education of tribal children, rural girls and women. The organisation also runs a rural mobile health care project for families.

Sisu vikas Samiti

Sisu Vikas Samiti is an Indian NGO that works for the welfare of poor, abandoned and neglected children and orphans. The organisation runs a home for children, and supports children to stay in school.

Pratibha Mahila Evm Bal Vikas Samiti

Pratibha Mahila Evm Bal Vikas Samiti is an Indian NGO that works on issues related to women's empowerment, community motivation and awareness, education, health, the environment, child rights, tribal development and vocational training.

Eco Revolution Pvt.Ltd

Eco Revolution is a company based in Hyderabad in India. The company works in the energy sector and promotes green energy solutions.