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Vaatsalya Hospitals: Affordable Healthcare in Proximity

Vaatsalya is a for-profit chain of hospitals and clinics which aims to provide quality healthcare to semi-urban and rural areas and was started by doctors-turned-entrepreneurs Ashwin Naik and Veerendra Hiremath in 2005.

Allianz, UNDP and GTZ partner for a three-country study on Micro-insurance

In 2006, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) approached Allianz to work together on a market potential study to analyse the demand, acceptability and affordability of microinsurance products.

Indian NGO fights corruption with Zero rupee note

5th Pillar, an Indian NGO, came up with the idea of printing a zero rupee currency note as a tool to help Indians achieve the goal of zero corruption. The note is a way for people to say NO to corruption without the fear of facing an encounter with persons in authority.

Corporate charitable partnerships come alive with Five Talents

Five Talents UK, a microfinance charity, has secured several corporate partnerships which have had a transformative effect.

Pfizer's Global Health Fellows Programme - an established and comprehensive cross-border service initiative

Pfizer’s Global Health Fellows Program (GHF) is an international corporate volunteer program that places Pfizer colleagues in three to six month assignments with international development organizations designed to address global health issues and improve care for underserved populations.

WaterCredit Initiative: Connecting Micro-finance to Water and Sanitation

The WaterCredit Initiative is an initiative of WaterCredit Partners, an organisation with a long history of providing grants to assist communities with water supply and sanitation (WSS) services.

Handicap International and Sanofi -aventis develop a programme to fight diabetes in developing countries

In 2006, Sanofi-Aventis launched pilot programs to help improve diabetes disease management in developing countries, in conjunction with the NGO Handicap International, Sante Diabete Mali and other local NGOs in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

IBLF launches anti-corruption programme in India

With a two-decade track record of running pioneering anti-corruption programmes for companies in Russia, UK, China and Vietnam, IBLF has launched a programme in India - "Business Standards for Smart Growth" - to help companies curb corruption. The programme has a steering group of senior executives...

Vortex Engineering and Wizzit Bank announce new banking services for the rural poor

Two companies have announced that they will be providing banking services to more than 30 million low-income people in India and South Africa by 2015 through their commitments to the Business Call to Action (BCtA), a global initiative that encourages private sector efforts to fight poverty.

Feel A Fellow Feeling Foundation

Feel a Fellow Feeling Foundation is a Christian organisation in Andhra Pradesh, India. In addition to its faith-based activities, the organisation cares for orphans and the elderly.

LifeSpring Hospital CARES

This video was shot in Hyderabad for LifeSpring Hospital and introduces the mission and beliefs of the hospital.

Legal cell in university campus to give free aid

NOIDA: For the first time in the country, a legal cell has been established within the premises of a university that will provide free legal aid to people from the weaker sections of society.

World of Good Inc sells brand to eBay, wholesale division acquired by GreaterGood/Charity USA

World of Good Inc., a social venture founded in 2005 that connects artisans from developing communities with mainstream retail markets, announced in March 2010 that eBay acquired its brand and related assets. World of Good Inc. also announced that GreaterGood/Charity USA acquired its wholesale...

Project to Promote Fair Trade in India

Fair Trade Forum - India (FTF-I) in partnership with HIVOS, IRFT & Shop for Change has launched Pro-Sustain, a project to promote Fair Trade & Sustainable Consumption in India.

SKS Microfinance Case Study - Lakshmi's Story

SKS Microfinance Limited (SKS) is a non-banking finance company regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and currently operating in 19 of India's 28 states. SKS' mission is to eradicate poverty by providing financial services to the poor.

Siemens helps to create a portable water filtration unit

Natural disasters often affect water infrastructure leading to contaminated drinking water and outbreaks of water born disease. As a part of their Siemens Caring Hands programme Siemens collaborated with SkyJuice Foundation to create SkyHydrant a portable water filtration unit.

Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) in Nepal lends directly to small farmers

Standard Chartered started developing a formal microfinance programme in 2004, and is now active in Nepal, India, Pakistan, Ghana and Bangladesh.

ICICI provides weather insurance for Indian farmers

Insurance company ICICI has partnered with Indian based microfinance institution BASIX to pilot the sale of rainfall insurance to farmers in India.

Transporting the sick and injured to private or government hospitals in ambulances-- 1298 Ambulance service in India

1298 is the first private ambulance company in India that provides service for all, regardless of income, and is one of just three organized operators in the country.

Mirakle Couriers : A Courier Service Run by the Deaf in India

Mirakle Couriers is a courier delivery company with a difference. They employ underprivileged deaf people who have almost no other means to earn a livelihood. India has one of the highest deaf populations in the world. NGO’s and charities try to help individuals marginalized by society, but they...