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Childline India Foundation

Childline is an Indian partnership platform bringing together international, government and non-government organisations to provide a telephone service hotline to assist needy and destitute children across India. The service aims to respond to emergency needs and link them to services for long-term...

Childreach International India

Childreach International India is part of a global charity working for the welfare of underprivileged children in India. The organisation has a rights-based approach to its work, supporting the establishment and management of programmes for the care, protection and development of children in...

United Nations Joint Logistics Centre (UNJLC) - Indian Ocean

UN Joint Logistics Centres are set up in cases of major disaster with substantial humanitarian multi-sectorial involvement to contribute to the rapid response, better coordination, and improved efficiency of the humanitarian operation at hand. A new UNJLC has been set-up in response to the...

Society For Enlightening Witnessing & Awakening (SEWA)

SEWA (SSociety For Enlightening Witnessing & Awakening)is an indigenous pioneering mission in the foothills of the Himalayas. SEWA aims to reach the remote villages of India with the enlightening and awakening message of Christ Jesus.

Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sanstha

Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan (RSKS) is an Indian NGO based in the Ajmer District of Rajasthan. The organisation pioneered promotion of income generating activities for deprived sections of the community and believes that the rural poor are capable of determining and building their future...

Jeevoday Education Society

Jeevoday Education Society is a Catholic organisation in Nagpur, India. The Society runs the Jeevoday Special School for the Mentally Challenged which provides education for more than 300 children with learning difficulties of all kinds, and helps to make them feel part of society through working...


INDIACSR is only CSR news portal in India providing a business network for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through which companies can share ideas on best practices and discuss collaborative projects between the firm and its end stakeholders. INDIACSR also provides a forum for dialogue...

The Society for Social Justice and Human Resource Development (SOJAHUR)

The Society for Social Justice and Human Resource Development (SOJAHUR) is an Indian NGO. SOJAHUR actively promotes development programmes for the rural poor with a special emphasis on women and children. Activities include both formal and non-formal education for poor and orphan children,...

Integrated Developmental Education Activate Society [IDEAS]

Integrated Developmental Education Activate Society (IDEAS) is a non-governmental organisation based in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. IDEAS provides emergency relief projects and rehabilitation to tsunami-hit women through income generation activity like fish pickle making programmes.

Asmita Samajik Sanstha

Asmita Samajik Sanstha is an India based non-government organisation which works to provide sustainable livelihood training for the deprived people of the rural and forest area. It also conducts socio-economic study for the betterment of the deprived people. Its work is also related to blood safety...

Chayachitra Yuvajana Sangham

Established in 1999, Chayachitra Yuvajana Sangham is an Indian based organisation which works to provide disadvantaged people with social services and educational development programs.

Opportunities for investors in sustainable energy in India

The goal of this report is to inform investors about the market potential of the clean energy industry serving India’s rural BoP market, by looking at its opportunities, challenges, and potential paths to growth. The report aims to present an overall picture of these growing clean energy sectors,...

Rescue Foundation

The Rescue Foundation is an Indian NGO that rescues, rehabilitates, repatriates and reintegrates girls and children from other states of India, Bangladesh and Nepal who are victims of human trafficking and are sold for forced prostitution or are sexually abused. The Foundation has three homes in...

Slum Development Society

The Slum Development Society (SDS) is an Indian NGO based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. SDS is involved in organizing fishermen, Harijans (Dalits) and other backward people from the slums, creating awareness of rights and ways of asserting them. The organisation also aims to motivate young people to...

Yamini Educational Society

The Yamini Educational Society, located in Hyderabad, India, has established a school for mentally challenged children. The Society provides shelter, formal education and skills training, medical aid, transportation, food and clothes for the pupils, and is involved in lobbying and advocacy on...

Rural Heal Mission

Rural Heal Mission is a Christian mission, based in India, that operates in South Asia and the Pacific. The group provides micro-finance services to poor Christian women, as well as running educational and environmental awareness programmes.

Society for Rural Education and Livelihood Promotion of India.

The Society for Rural Education and Livelihood Promotion of India (REAL) is a social service NGO headed by women. The organisation works for the poorest sections of society, undertaking research and investigations into the problems of scientific, environmental, economic and social development....

P.S.S.Educational Development Society

The P.S.S. Educational Development Society is an NGO in Andhra Pradesh, India that supports women, children, and elderly people in rural areas. Programmes and projects include the provision of education in government schools for needy pupils, non-formal education for child labourers, skills...

Save the Children International

Save the Children International consists of 29 organisations working in over 120 countries. Save the Children focuses resources in fields where we are world leaders, and where we know children still face the greatest challenges. Our goal is to prevent children from dying of preventable causes...

N.A.N Woollen Mills

N.A.N Woollen Mills manufactures and exports all types of blankets used for relief, rehabiliation, refugee and related humanitarian activities.