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Linking Business with Pro-Poor Development

Linking Business with Pro-Poor Development explores two key questions, How can business be pro-poor? and How can such partnerships be made sustainable? The document showcases how an innovative private-community partnership transformed the livelihoods of highly vulnerable families in far flung...

Citi Dhaka arranges loan for NGO micro-finance institution

In July 2009, Citi Dhaka helped arrange a syndicated loan (subscribed by a group of local banks) for $21.7 million for BURO, a not-for-profit that is one of the fastest growing microfinance institutions in Bangladesh. BURO Bangladesh is a specialized micro-finance institution that provides high...

Solar power's role in rural India

Selco is a social enterprise which has provided solar-powered lighting and water heating for half a million people in the states of Karnataka and Gujarat since it began in 1995. It provides lighting for businesses too and even rents solar lights to street hawkers.

Polycentric Innovation: A New Mandate for Multinationals

What do John Deere, Cisco, and Obopay have in common? All three companies form a new breed of enlightened Western firms that have embraced "polycentric innovation." Polycentric innovation is an emerging business practice that consists of networking international talent, capital, and ideas to meet...

Tata launches low-cost water filter

India's giant Tata Group on Monday unveiled a new low-cost water purifier, hoping to do for health what it did for motoring and provide affordable, safe drinking water for millions and cut disease.

Tatas going global with low-cost housing

The Tatas are giving a global perspective to their successful affordable housing model, which was launched in Mumbai. Mr Ratan Tata, Chairman of Tata Sons, said that Tata Housing has got enquiries for replicating the Mumbai housing model from other countries and is likely to start out from...

Philips digs at bottom of the pyramid

Philips Electronics India Ltd is resorting to innovative pricing and customer engagement models in India to gain market share and acceptance by 'bottom-of-the-pyramid' segments and enterprise customers. Clean energy is the common pitch that Philips is making to log in higher customer numbers...

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is an international development federation which provides skilled volunteers to advise and train local individuals within developing countries.

Magic Bank Case Studies A-Z Index

The MAGIC website is UNICEF's (United Nations Children's Fund) response to the Oslo Challenge of 1999, which called on media professionals, educators, governments, organisations, parents, children and young people themselves to recognise the enormous potential of media to make the world a better...

India Humanitarian Customs Regulations

This document was submitted in response to a questionnaire distributed by Global Hand regarding humanitarian customs information. It provides regulations for importing humanitarian aid into India.

Bhutan Humanitarian Customs Regulations

This document was submitted in response to a questionnaire distributed by Global Hand regarding humanitarian customs information. It provides regulations for importing humanitarian aid into Bhutan.

R.E.A.C.T. Tsunami - ARCHIVED

As the reconstruction work in response to the Asia quake and tsunami continues, we will keep this page updated to maximise the possibility of cooperation between those wanting to help.

South Asia: Earthquake & Tsunami Dec 2004 Maps - ARCHIVED

Maps of relevance to the Asia quake/tsunami situation.

Markazul Ma'arif Darul Yatama Orphanage

Markaz Darul Yatama is an Islamic organisation based in Assam, India which operates a number of English schools and India's largest orphanage. The organisation accepts monetary donations and gifts in kind for its operations.

Prime Minister's National Relief Fund, India

Established in 1948, the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) primarily provides support to families of those killed in natural disasters and to the victims of major incidents, with assistance also available for medical treatment. The fund consists entirely of public contributions and does...

Magic Bus India

Magic Bus is a child-centred non-profit charitable organisation working with primary intervention charitable organisations with children at risk in India. It uses a experiential learning in a non-classroom outdoor environment to challenge young people and discover the strength within to overcome...


OneWorld is dedicated to harnessing the democratic potential of the internet to promote human rights and sustainable development. The website includes news, in-depth coverage of topics concerning human rights and development, and a database of partners. It also includes a discussion forum and a...

Enterprise Development International

Enterprise enables the unemployed and underemployed poor in developing countries and the United States to become productive, self-supporting citizens. Enterprise works with locally registered Christian organisations as partners, transferring required skills and capital.

Christian Blind Mission Australia (CBMI)

Christian Blind Mission Australia (CBMI) is an independent Christian development organisation dedicated to preventing and curing blindness, as well as to the education and rehabilitation of people who are blind or have other disabilities.

Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation aims to support the efforts of Rotary International in the fulfilment of Rotary's mission, and the achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian, educational, and cultural programmes. Grants are available to Rotary Clubs...