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Venu Madhuri Trust

Venu Madhuri Trust promotes integrated and and sustainable rural development.

Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART)

Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) works to provide aid and advocacy for those who are, or who have been, suffering oppression and persecution, and who are largely neglected by the international media.

Navjyothi Seva Samithi

Navjyothi Seva Samithi operates various programmes for poor children and helpless widows. These programmes include a primary school, free educational support to poor children in Chennai, food to the needy, free clothing bank, women self-help groups, free family and individual counselling, and...

World Gospel Faith Church - Bethesda Mission

World Gospel Faith Church - Bethesda Mission addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of slum, tribal and rural populations primarily through medical care and health education services.

Childug Charitable Foundation(CCF)

Childug Charitable Foundation (CCF) provides services to the Tawang District of Arunachal Pradesh region of India. Its current projects include the establishment of a free school to educate and house destitute children, a public health clinic, a home for the elderly and a public library. CCF...

Children Toy Foundation (CTF)

The Children Toy Foundation (CTF) is a Mumbai-based NGO that aims to educate children through play. CTF collects toys and games and sets up toy libraries in places such as orphanages, schools, creches, industrial sites, prisons and slums. Children and other users are encouraged to have fun and to...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Canada

UNICEF is an international aid agency that works with communities and governments in 157 countries for the survival, development and protection of children worldwide, upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The priorities of the programme are children's health, education, equality and...

Gaden Relief Projects

Gaden Relief Projects is a Canadian registered charity that focuses on alleviating poverty among Tibetans throughout Asia, helping to provide for their material needs. It distributes medicine and funds to the Tibetan refugee community-in-exile and to monasteries in Tibet and also helps Buddhists in...

Tibet Foundation

The Tibet Foundation is a UK-based charity that seeks to create greater awareness of all aspects of Tibetan culture and the needs of the Tibetan people, and to promote the continuity and preservation of the Tibetan culture. It also works to provide healthcare, education, and social economic support...

Youth of Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA)

Youth of Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) is a voluntary development organisation involved in capacity building, management of assets, product development, management of co-operatives and political lobbying.

Child Welfare Society of Ladakh

Child Welfare Society of Ladakh is an NGO established at the request of the Dalai Lama to provide education for poor children by enrolling them in private schools and by providing their tuition fees, uniforms, books, stationery, medical and travel allowance.

R.E.A.C.T. South Asian Earthquake

The October 2005 earthquake in South Asia was the strongest in that region for 100 years. A massive global effort is needed to help with the recovery and rebuilding process. You can help!