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Vikash is a non-governmental organization based in Orissa, India. It is active in 14 underdeveloped districts of Orissa, covering over one million individuals. It is committed to build self-reliant tribal and rural communities by educating children, providing livelihood opportunities and supporting...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - India

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations with the mandate to combat hunger and ensure food security. It aims to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, and better the lives and livelihoods of rural populations as well as to...

City of Joy Aid

City of Joy Aid is a network of clinics, schools, rehabilitation centers and hospital boats which provides relief, rehabilitation, and development activities within the slums of Calcutta and the rural districts of Bengal. With neither religious nor political affiliation, the organization is...

Concern India

Begun in 1991, as a public charitable trust that supports organisations working for the disadvantaged, including destitutes, orphans, deserted or abused women, tribal people and the disabled. Its aim is to make every disadvantaged individual self-reliant, creating a society of independent people...

India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF)

The India Development and Relief Fund (IRDF)is an Indo-American charity run by volunteers. The Fund works with NGOs in India on projects to support the needy without regard to caste, religion, race or creed. Projects focus on development (including education and childcare), relief and...

Amber Communities Trust

Amber Communities Trust is registered UK charity that works in Amber, a small community in Rajasthan, India. The Trust sponsors projects that aim to improve the quality of life for the community, focusing on sustainable development in four programme areas: education, health, the environment and...

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) - India

CAF India's mission is to increase the flow of resources from corporations and high net worth individuals to the non-profit sector. It's projects include the design and delivery of various programmes; managing charitable funds and providing training for civil society organisations.

Rhema Educational Trust

Rhema Educational Trust is a non-governmental organisation, established in 2000 in the rural community of Gujarat in India. The Trust’s main aim is to support the education of disadvantaged and disabled children, through fund-raising for schools, and providing education and skills training. The...

Executive Access

Executive Access is a company which assists corporate clients to recruit suitable staff. The company has a worldwide database and works with more than 500 clients, mainly in the Asia-Pacific area.

Salaam Award project - Vellore

The Salaam Award Project is an international program for young people (12-24 yrs), which aim to channelize the potential of disadvantaged urban youth. The Award Program seeks to encourage independence, inter-dependence and self-help among socially isolated and vulnerable youth.

Create India

Create India, a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) - India project, produces audio visuals in the language and cultural style of the people group they are created for. Create also produces high-quality documentary films on specific unreached people groups that will help encourage others to serve among...

Shathashrunga Vidya Samsthe

Shathashrunga Vidya Samsthe is an Indian NGO dedicated to working with the poor, particularly with people with disabilities, women and children. The organisation runs a school for the deaf that currently caters for 225 hearing impaired children. The school includes a separate unit that provides a...

Government Degree College - Rapur

Government Degree College - Rapur offers undergraduate courses in the Arts and Commerce and focuses upon serving poor and minority students.

LIFE Foundation

LIFE Foundation works in community capacity building and engages in various voluntary activities.

International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies (IINS)

The International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies (IINS) was established to project and highlight the convictions of the people of the non-aligned world. It has provided a platform to voice the viewpoint of billions of people of the third world. IINS organises activities/programs to disseminate...

Emmanuel Gospel Association

Emmanuel Gospel Association focuses upon the elderly and those living below the poverty line. The association offers community education programmes in health and literacy.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - India

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is an international aid agency that works with communities and governments in 157 countries for the survival, development and protection of children worldwide. In India, UNICEF uses its community-level knowledge to develop innovative interventions to...

Youth Forum For Social Action (YFSA)

Youth Forum For Social Action (YFSA) provides social, empowerment, and educational programmes to the indigenous peoples of the eastern parts of the newly-created Tribal State of Chhatisgarh in Central India.

Rotary Club - Bhusawal

Rotary Club - Bhusawal operates two Rotaract clubs, two senior citizen clubs, five interact clubs and a blood bank with a component-separation laboratory. The Club expects to establish an eye bank with a processing center.

Logos Ministries - River of Life Orphanage

Logos Ministries has established medical camps, youth job training centres, orphanages, and remote mobile clinics in India since 1999. The River of Life Orphanage was established in January 2005 in a tsunami affected area as a response to this disaster. The home will care for 30 children, 13 girls...