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Youth Social Service Organisation

This is an India based NGO conducting activities in rain water harvesting, training and community development. There are mainly two programs, the tribal development program and the watershed program. The tribal development program is involved in community development support, women development and...

Action Medical Pvt. Ltd.

Action Medical are manufacturers of ophthalmic products, including lenses and surgical instruments, which are used to treat eye conditions such as cataracts and prevent further sight deterioration and blindness. They provide products for non-profit organisations at low prices and keep profit...

Missionaries of Charity

Missionaries of Charity provides shelter, medical care, education, and food aid to refugees, ex-prostitutes, the mentally ill, sick children, abandoned children, lepers, AIDS victims, the aged, the dying and convalescent.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - India

Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the country. The mission of CRS globally is to: a) provide direct aid to poor and disadvantaged people; b) involve people in their own development, helping them to...

Urbo Rural Integrated Development Association is (URIDA)

URIDA (Urbo Rural Integrated Development Association) is an Indian NGO that is committed to working for people living in urban slums and rural areas where the development process has slowed down because of poverty, ignorance and illiteracy. URIDA’s major focus areas are education, health,...

Good Tiding Mission

The Good Tiding Mission is a faith organisation based in West Bengal. The Mission is runs a community health clinic in 20 villages, a tuberculosis control programme in 33 villages and provides medical assistance through rural health centres. The Mission is also involved in the development of ...

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is an international non-governmental organisation which provides specialist financial services to other charities and their supporters. In particular, CAF helps other charities increase, manage and administer their resources. CAF helps with fundraising ideas, banking...

US Agency for International Development (USAID) - India

USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing, and promotion of trade and investment. U.S. assistance is channelled through...

Christian Aid - India

Christian Aid has worked in India for over 45 years, and today funds more than 175 projects through 64 local partner organisations. It works mainly with Dalits (formerly Untouchables); adivasis (indigenous people); disadvantaged women; child and bonded labourers; and communities living in...

Kashmir Humanity Foundation

The Kashmir Humanity Foundation is an NGO based in the Baramulla district of Kashmir. The Foundation aims to provide basic educational support, technical educational support, healthcare access, and economic opportunity to poor and marginalised women and children from both rural and urban areas in...

All India Association for Micro Enterprise Development (AIAMED)

All India Association for Micro Enterprise Development (AIAMED) aims to develop accountable and sustainable retail development finance organisations as a strategy for empowering the poor without handouts or subsidies. Thus, enabling them to become productive citizens and contribute with dignity in...

SOS Children's Villages - India

SOS Children's Villages of India is a welfare organisation and a part of the worldwide SOS Children's Village movement. SOS mainly creates and operates Children's Villages, which provide for children in need, housing with a 'mother' figure and other children to grow up with. The organisation...

East West Foundation Of India (TEWFI)

The East West Foundation of India is a charitable and educational foundation committed towards easing the suffering of the poor and disadvantaged in the state of Tamilnadu in India. In pursuit of this broad aim, it has focused its attention on health care, child welfare and education and both...


Jagruthi is a Bangalore-based voluntary organisation aiming to address the growing HIV infection in Bangalore city. The majority of Jagruthi's activities are aimed at rehabilitating and putting back in a social setting children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. For example, it operates a city...

Krishna Veni Mahila Mandali

Krishna Veni Mahila Mandali is a non-profit women's welfare association helping with the developments in rural and urban slums where poverty is a major problem. It provides education and training, health care, food, spiritual, moral and physical support to the Indian communities.

United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP)

The United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) monitors the line separating India and Pakistan in the state of Jammu and Kashmir to maintain the 1949 ceasefire between the two countries signed under the Karachi Agreement. UNMOGIP has been severely restricted in its...

Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT)

Under the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP), the centre was first established in Bangalore, India in 1977. Its main goal is to promote the transfer of technology among small and middle scale industries in the Asian and Pacific region. ESCAP focuses on four specific areas...


Dakshinayan was set up to oversee a rural development project in India and is a volunteer based organisation providing much needed health care and education to tribal and rural communities in India. Dakshinayan also aims to build international solidarity and place volunteers.

Deep Griha Society

Working for the betterment of the people who live in the slums in Pune, India, the society was founded by like minded friends in 1975. It is an independent charitable organisation that has various programmes from medical to educational services, from child care to women development to rural...

Delhi House (Sewa Ashram)

Delhi House was the name of a house for the homeless founded in 1997; relocation in the year 2000 saw the adoption of a new name - Sewa Ashram. Housing up to 120 individuals (and some families), Delhi House is a community-based rehabilitation centre and clinic for the destitute, with a goal to...