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Techno Relief Services Ltd

Techno Relief Services Ltd. is a global supplier for emergency relief, shelter, rehabilitation and developmental projects. It has an extensive logistical network enabling them to service various aid and relief agencies worldwide from its warehouses in Nairobi, Kampala, Dubai, New Delhi,...

Banking With The Poor Network

The Banking With The Poor Network (BWTP) is a network of some 20 national policy institutions, commercial banks and NGOs involved in microfinance and microcredit from eight countries in Asia - namely Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Its...

The International Award for Young People - India (IAYP)

The International Award for Young People - India (IYAP)is an award for young people between the ages of 14 and 25 based on individual achievement without competition. Its main aim is to encourage young people to achieve their full growth potential, and to improve moral, social and intellectual...

Norwegian Free Evangelical Mission India Dhanora

Norwegian Free Evangelical Mission India Dhanora is a non-profit faith-based organisation.


DevPro, a human resources placement organisation, matches the needs of organisations with professionals network in the areas of health, education, management, finance, information technology, engineering, environment, business, enterprise development and other streams of art, science and...


PREED is the acronym for people’s organization for Rural Health, Education and Economic Development. It aims to achieve sustained development in India through the participation of rural and tribal communities in the empowerment of women, promotion of reproductive health, gender equity, social...

Rajasthan Bal Kalyan Society

RBKS is a registered voluntary organisation devoted to rural education and community development in Udaipur and Rajasmand districts of South Rajasthan and tribal zones of India. The main emphasis of RBKS is to educate and create opportunities for the rural underprivileged tribal children. RBKS...


Scientific Educational Development for Community Organization - abbreviated as SEDCO is a registered organisation working for the empowerment of the marginalised children, women and agricultural labourers in Thoothukudi District of Tamilnadu, India. It focuses on addressing the problems and the...

Urban Street Vendors - Lokseva Kendra

Urban Street Vendors Lokseva Kendra is an Indian NGO that encourages poor people in Mumbai to become self-employed and thus improve their quality of life. The organisation provides micro finance for start ups in association with the ICICI Bank in a partnership model, and lobbies for the rights of...

Mother Theresa Development Research Institute(MTRI)

Mother Theresa Development Research Institute (MTRI) works for the upliftment of the downtrodden and vulnerable sections of Indian society especially women and children, youth, disabled, aged, dalits, tribals and minorities. MTRI provides research and action programs in human rights, formal and...

Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP)

SSP is an Indian NGO that works for the improvement of living conditions of local communities through grass root women’s empowerment. It supports micro credit projects and networks of self-learning and self-help groups made by women. It also has a programme for disaster response.

Star Social and Human Welfare Organisation

Star Social and Human Welfare Organisation is a social service organisation based in Kumbakonam, registered in 2002. They operate various developmental activities to help the needy people in Kumbakonam. This organisation particularly focuses on educating needy children and those in rural areas.

HelpAge India

HelpAge India is secular, non-profit organization set up in 1978, which aims to raise resources to protect the rights of India's elderly and provide relief to them through various interventions. HelpAge India voices the needs of India's 90 million "grey" population, and directly impacts the...

Association for Rural Development and Action Research (ARDAR)

Association for Rural Development and Action Research (ARDAR) provides various social, education, and vocational programmes in the East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna Vizianagram, Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam districts of Andhra Pradesh. ARDAR's activities focus upon child education and...

Aavishkaar India Micro Venture Capital Fund (AIMVCF)

Aavishkaar India Micro Venture Capital Fund (AIMVCF) promotes development in rural and semi-urban India by providing micro-equity funding to grassroots enterprises that lack access to conventional financial institutions and which are commercially viable, environmentally friendly, and socially...

Annai Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust (AIGMT)

Annai Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust (AIGMT) provides programs to empower the rural poor by improving the educational and vocational skills of women, assist with the economic self-reliance of women through micro level savings and credit, work for the eradication and rehabilitation of child labor,...

Reach India

Reach India is a social enterprise training franchise that aims to empower women and girls to make positive changes in their lives, families, and communities. Its network of local service centres train thousands of local organisations, which in turn train millions of women and adolescent girls who...

Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP) - India

The Swayam Shikshan Prayog (India) is an organisation directed primarily at women and their integration in the development process. Its objective is to build up the capacity of rural women groups in the access and management of available resources in order to include them in the decision-making...

Mahanaim Ministries

Mahanaim Ministries is a Christian ministry that aims to reach people in India and neighbouring countries through the establishment of churches and other faith-related activities. The organisation also campaigns for minority rights and welfare.


Sai Educational Rural and Urban Development Society (SERUDS) is an Indian NGO working for the integrated development of women and children of vulnerable segments of the population. SERUDS aims to facilitate the self-sufficiency of families and whole communities. The organisation runs health...