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Crosslink Memphis

Crosslink Memphis locates surplus medical resources which are available for donation, repackages them, and arranges custom deliveries to medical teams serving needy patients in over 100 countries. It also recycles eyeglasses. Its website includes a list of needed resources and a list of resources...

Bridge to Asia

Bridge to Asia accepts donations of new and used textbooks, reference works, journals, and magazines for use at the college, graduate, and professional levels and distributes them to Asian countries. Needed materials are listed on its website, and can be shipped or dropped off at warehouse in...

Book Donation Connection

The Book Donation Connection is a New York City non-profit organization that helps to rescue gently used, unwanted books by providing donors information about donation alternatives. In active operation since October 2009, the BDC researches and maintains lists of places, such as donation...

Arm-In-Arm Volunteers

Arm-In-Arm Volunteers is a Canadian volunteer placement organization that provides meaningful, safe, and efficient volunteering experiences in developing countries through local partners.

National Cristina Foundation

The National Cristina Foundation (NCF) provides computer technology and solutions to give students, people with disabilities and economically disadvantaged persons the opportunity, through training, to lead more independent and productive lives. NCF accepts donations in the form of disused...

Lackey Ministries Inc.

Lackey Ministries, Inc. is a Christian organisation in the USA whose founders established the Love Botswana Outreach Mission. Both organisations raise funds and work for improvement in the lives of poor communities in Botswana.

LRP Recycling

LRP Recycling is a U.S. commercial recycling company that has a furniture mattress and furniture recycling programme. LRP Recycling exports the furniture and mattresses all over the world, dealing with NGOs as well as with private organisations.

Iglesia del Nazareno

The Iglesia del Nazareno is a church in Chile. In addition to its faith=based activities, the church works with children, providing education, training and care.

St.Lucia Dialysis Ltd.

St.Lucia Dialysis Ltd. is a local dialysis clinic in St Lucia that offers dialysis treatments to St. Lucian locals and to tourists from Canada, the USA and the UK.

FODESOD (Fondation Denis pour Soutenir les Demunis)

FODESOD (Fondation Denis pour Soutenir les Demunis) is an NGO in Haiti. The organisation aims to help orphaned and deprived children. This includes, but is not limited to providing clean water, safe housing, adequate food and schooling.

Reading Hamlets

Reading Hamlets is an American NGO dedicated to ending the cycle of poverty in Nigeria through literacy, by providing books to children in rural areas with a special emphasis on girls.

Buseesa Community Development Centre

The Buseesa Community Development Centre (BCDC) is an American development organization that specializes in microfinance, and presently operates in 15 villages of Kibaale District, Uganda. The organision provides loans to rural farmers and to small shopkeepers. The BCDC also works on...

Tribal Enterprises (Bible Hill Youth Club)

Tribal Enterprises, an initiative of the Bible Hill Youth Club, an Indian NGO, is a social enterprise that provides provides skill training and produces market-based eco-friendly products, including women's clothing and traditional clothing designed by young people for young people.

African Aid Initiative

The African Aid Initiative is an American-based NGO that delivers immediate philanthropic support and equips vulnerable populations by providing opportunities to be self-sufficient. The Initiative is involved in food security, youth and peace education programmes, health, and also in a female...

Afghanistan Dental Relief Project, Inc.

The Afghanistan Dental Relief Project, Inc. is an American NGO dedicated to rebuilding the destroyed and missing technical infrastructure of the dental profession in Afghanistan. The organisation aims to facilitate the accessing of care and technical training of Afghan citizens at no cost to them.

Salad Greenhouse Inc.

Salad Greenhouse is a company in British Colunbia, Canada, that produces vegetables in a specialist greenhouse powered with a biomass generator that produces heat and electricity from renewable fuels.

Disaster Logistics Relief

Disaster Logistics Relief Ltd is a global humanitarian non-profit organization, incorporated in Georgia, that delivers critical disaster relief, response, and early-warning solutions through a combination of state-of-the-art communications technologies, in-country emergency assistance, and...

Laverna Children’s Home & primary school

Laverna children’s home and primary school is a registered non-profit community oriented development organization with over six years experience in child development situated in Donyo sabuk Kiboko Location, Matungulu District Machakos County in Kenya. The organization was established in 2005 and ...

New Tribes Mission

The New Tribes Mission is an international organization based in the USA. The Mission spreads the Gospel to communities that have not been reached with the Gospel or need additional help.

Ndaemoh Foundation for Youth Empowerment

The Ndaemoh Foundation for Youth Empowerment is an NGO headquaretered in the USA. The Foundation runs a health centre in Sierra Leone.