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The Community Corps

In survey after survey, U.S. nonprofits identify technology as one of their most critical needs. However, 40% of the 1.5 million U.S. based nonprofits, which serve tens of millions of Americans, continue to say they lack sufficient technology to serve their constituents. Used well, technology...

Engineering for Change

Engineering for Change (E4C) is a growing community of engineers, technologists, social scientists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local community advocates who are passionate about improving quality of life. E4C seeks to enable this growing community to design, apply and share...

Public-Private Partnership Provides Access to Safe Drinking Water During Disasters

In March 2011 Abt Associates launched a partnership that will help make clean, safe drinking water available in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua in the event of a disaster or emergency.

Local Wells Fargo Bank Donates Thanksgiving Lunch to Refugees

Thirty-three refugees celebrated their first Thanksgiving, festivities which were sponsored by a local Wells Fargo branch and included five turkeys and all the trimmings of a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The Wells Fargo branch, located on Brand Boulevard in Glendale, California has partnered...

Partnership to help farmers in Africa increase crop yields and hope for the future

In 2005, Millennium Promise launched with a vision to end extreme poverty in our lifetime. As the leading international nonprofit organization solely committed to supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, Millennium Promise believes that innovative partnerships and an...

M25 Ministries

M25 Ministries is an American Christian organisation that sends missions to Romania and developing countries in order to spread the Christian message and to assist needy communities in various ways. In Romania, for example, the organisation has provided medical asisstance to people from the Roma...

Tibet Aid

Tibet Aid is a not-for-profit organisation providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Tibet, primarily by locating sponsors for homeless, impoverished, and destitute Tibetan refugees. Tibet Aid also promotes Tibetan cultural preservation and supports educational and medical relief programs...

Creating Shared Value: It's the Future

FSG illuminates the potential of "shared value" in this short motion graphic.

Sabritas incorporates small farmers into sunflower supply chain

Incorporation of small, low-income producers into the supply chains of larger companies in rural Mexico is increasingly becoming a powerful way to break the cycle of poverty.

Thames Water supports WaterAid through its consumer campaign

Thames Water has partnered with the non-governmental organization, WaterAid, to improve access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities.

Environmental Defense and DuPont develop a framework for responsible nanotechnology

Environmental Defense, an environmental advocacy organization, and DuPont, a science-based products and services company, have developed a comprehensive, practical, and flexible Framework for evaluating and addressing the potential risks of nanoscale materials.

Technology to Fight Human Trafficking: Microsoft Awards Research Grants

In June 2012, Microsoft Research and the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit announced the winning applications for research to “advance deeper understanding of the role of technology in human trafficking,” particularly as it relates to the child sex trade. A grant of US$185,000 will be distributed among...

Microsoft donates PhotoDNA technology to help fight child porn

The American multinational corporation and one of the world’s most valuable companies, Microsoft, in collaboration with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) has innovated a New Image DNA Technology to fight against child abuse.

Somaly Mam Foundation

The Somaly Mam Foundation (SMF) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the USA focused on combating the global sex slave trade through supporting the rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration of the victims. The Somaly Mam Foundation is committed to ending modern day slavery and...

International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission (IJM) is a human rights agency founded in 1997 that rescues victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM’s vision is to rescue thousands, protect millions and prove that justice for the poor is possible. It helps victims of...

The Global Partnership Social Investment Fund seeks investments in Latin America

The NGO Global Partnerships is redefining microfinance and moving beyond the concept of microloans as working capital. It aims to achieve greater impact in reducing poverty by combining these loans with affordable social investments, such as health services, training and low-cost pensions and...

Mi Tienda helps small grocery stores in rural Mexico to grow their businesses

Small, family-run grocery stores, known as tiendas de abarrotes, are essential for supplying basic goods and services in thousands of low-income rural communities in Mexico.

CEMEX mobilizes public and private resources to pave streets in Mexico

CEMEX, a multinational cement company based in Mexico, has devised a plan to mobilise both public and private resources to pave streets in low-income neighbourhoods.

Public-Private Partnership for Low - Cost Housing Investments

Thousands of Salvadorans with no credit history can access loans now to make home improvements and expand their home businesses. El Salvador has developed a unique and sustainable financial business model that enables low-income consumers to improve and expand their homes by mobilizing...

Mi Tienda’s inclusive business model

A short video on a Mi Tienda's inclusive business model.