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United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - Philippines

UNICEF is an agency of the United Nations devoted to serving the world’s children. UNICEF began providing assistance to the Philippines in November 1948. Since then, we and the Philippine government have been partners in protecting Filipino children. They aim to provide the best quality of life for...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Philippines

In the Philippines, UNDP fosters human development for peace and prosperity. Working with central and local Governments as well as civil society, and building on global best practices, UNDP strengthens capacities of women, men and institutions to empower them to achieve the Millennium Development...

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Philippines

USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing, and promotion of trade and investment. U.S. assistance is channeled through...

Childhope Philippines, Inc

Childhope is an international, non-profit organisation whose main purpose is to advocate for the cause of street children throughout the world. Childhope Philippines has programmes in the Southeast Asian region related to the education of street children and community mobilisation against...

Advisory Board Foundation - Philippines

The Advisory Board Foundation's goal in the Philippines is to combat child abuse and neglect through searching, training and assisting direct service providers, such as physicians. They work closely with the Philippine General Hospital Child Protection Unit and have published various guides for...

Agape Partners Foundation

Agape Partners Foundation works in Mindanao, Philippines. Their activities include education, supporting local farmers and organising youth and on-campus activities.

Department of Social Welfare and Development - Philippines

is the executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for the protection of the social welfare rights of Filipinos and to promote social development. The Department of Social Welfare and Development's mission is to provide social protection and promote the rights and welfare of...

National Secretariat of Social Action - CARITAS Philippines (NASSA)

The National Secretariat of Social Action (NASSA) is the action arm of the Philippine's Catholic Church. NASSA has 80 Social Action centres in the country that organise and direct local social action activities.

Philippine National Red Cross

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian organisation, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable...

SOS Children's Villages - Philippines

SOS helps children and communities in need to help themselves by establishing for them, the necessary facilities for development, including education, medical and social centres. Their special emphasis is to provide orphaned and destitute children with a new and permanent home, preparing them for...

AdeNU-CCD (Ateneo de Naga University - Center for Community Development)

CCD works towards dispelling poverty in the Philippines. CCD is involved in a number of activities including advocacy, education, capability building and research. As a university, the Ateneo de Naga seeks the integral formation of men and women who will contribute to the total development of...

People's Recovery, Empowerment and Development Assistance Foundation, Inc. - PREDA

PREDA is a charitable organisation founded since 1974 in Olongapo City, Philippines. Its main goal is to promote and protect the dignity and the Human Rights of the Filipino people especially of women and children. The main focus of PREDA's work is to assist the sexually-exploited&abused...

Splash Foundation

The Hortalezas founded the Splash Foundation, Incorporated in 1997 to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Its name was changed in 2009 to AngHortaleza Foundation as the link between Splash Corporation, HBC Group and World Partners Group. Among its notable projects are: Basic...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Philippines

Approximately one-third of The Philippine’s 93.6 million residents work in agriculture, while 66 percent live in urban areas. The Philippines is making improvements on undernourishment throughout the population, but malnutrition figures in children must be bettered; they currently register at 28...

Asian Development Bank Institute

ADB is a multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Established in 1966, ADB is now owned by 63 members, mostly from the Asia region. The headquarters are in Manila, Philippines, with 24 other offices around the world. ADB's activities...

Venture for Fund Raising

Offers non-profit organisations: consulting services and the opportunity to learn fund raising skills. They do not directly raise money for organisations. Instead, we train people to manage their own fund raising campaigns. These services are assumed to be available for organisations in Asia.

A Child Can Foundation

A Child Can Foundation was set up to offer hope and much-needed services to families and professionals working with young children diagnosed with autism, dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder, Pervasive Development Disorder, Asperger's Disorder and other learning disabilities. ACCF’s approach: ...

Reality of Aid

The Reality of Aid Network (RoA) is an international network of organisations that come together to analyse and promote improvements to international aid. Strategic Objectives: •To provide reliable and well-researched reports on international aid performance; •To influence national and...

Rotary Club of Teresa

Rotary International District 3800 in Metro Manila, Philippines consists of 89 Rotary Clubs. Rotary is a worldwide Organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the...

World Health Organization (WHO) -Western Pacific

Our purpose is to lead the regional response to public health issues on all fronts - medical, technical, socio-economic, cultural, legal and political -towards the achievement of WHO's global health mission.