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Directory of Funding Sources for Environmental NGO's

The Directory of Funding Sources for Environmental NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) offers information about 164 different funding institutions. It covers 15 CEE countries in which the REC (Regional Environmental Center) is active and also some newly independent states. The directory was...
European Union Customs Regulations

All fifteen EU member states apply common customs regulations at the external borders of the EU. Once imported goods clear customs in the EU, they can move freely between member states. The regulations are regularly updated, and are listed and explained in the Taxation and Customs Union section of...
Survival Guide

The Survival Guide is a web based resource containing practical advice and information for anyone hoping to volunteer or work overseas. The Guide contains over 200 sections on topics such as travel, health insurance, cross-cultural learning, security, health care, communications, clothes, danger...
Directory of Social Change (DSC)

The Directory of Social Change (DSC), set up in 1975, is an independent source of information and support to voluntary and community sectors worldwide. The DSC provides training courses and publications (including online information and CD-ROMs) on fundraising, management, organisational and... is an online jobs board dedicated to the not-for-profit sector. The website hosts all levels of positions for many UK charities.
Internet Centre for Corruption Research

The Internet Centre for Corruption Research is a joint initiative of the University of Passau (Germany) and Transparency International. It hosts the TI-Corruption Perception Index, a comparative assessment of a country's integrity performance, along with related academic research on corruption. The...
UN rapporteur and WTO head debate the impact of trade on hunger

UN rapporteur and WTO head debate the impact of trade on hunger, a news article, reports on the debate on the impact of trade on hunger between UN rapporteur and WTO head. Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, argued that agricultural trade liberalisation hampers...
Customs Regulations - Eastern European Countries, Africa and Iraq

Customs Regulations - Eastern European Countries, Africa and Iraq - for fifteen countries are listed on this website of Vidotrans-HTG Relief Transports. Each country page has customs information, such as the types of goods that are prohibited or restricted, as well a list of documents that are...

Hotelnet is a site that lists hotels in the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, and other countries around the world. The site also includes a currency converter, and a useful travel links section.
Fédération Internationale des Déménageurs Internationaux (FIDI)

Fédération Internationale des Déménageurs Internationaux (FIDI) is a network of freight forwarders that ship furniture and other personal goods internationally. FIDI has a country-by-country database of affiliated companies affiliated and, among other services, provides each of these members with a...
Development in Practice Journal

Development in Practice Journal's web site provides a forum for debate and the exchange of ideas among developmental practitioners, policy makers, academics and activists worldwide.
Nfp Resourcing

Nfp Resourcing provides personnel recruitment and consulting services for not-for-profit organisations.
World Health Organization (WHO) - International Travel and Health

This section of the WHO website offers guidance on the full range of health risks likely to be encountered at specific destinations and associated with different types of travel - from business, humanitarian and leisure travel to backpacking and adventure tours. Conference Listings

Scotland's voluntary sector website provides listings of conferences related to NGOs.
Trade Liberalization and Poverty: Policy Challenges from Latin America

Trade Liberalization and Poverty: Policy Challenges from Latin America, a WTO conference session abstract, discusses major policy challenges relevant to creating positive effects of trade liberalization on development and particularly on making trade pro-poor. The panellists shared views on the...
Make Poverty Business

This book provides methods of bridging the gap by constructing a rigorous profit-making argument for multinational corporations to do more business with the poor. The book should be read by international business managers seeking to increase profits and decrease risk in developing countries, and by...
Mongolia Actions: Links Related to Mongolian Development

The mission of Mongolia Actions is the conception, realisation and promotion of developmental projects in Mongolia, notably those which are humanitarian, cultural, social, economic and educational in nature. The "our links" page of its website is a database of institutions, NGOs, associations and...

H2G2 is a website owned and hosted by the BBC and promoted as "your guide to life, universe and everything", a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Entries are written by visitors to the site, and offer advice on a vast range of topics.