Middle East
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Douma Society

The Douma Society is a Syrian NGO involved in a range of projects randing from relief work to education and disability services.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - United Arab Emirates

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to build a better life. The UNDP United Arab Emirates currently focuses on four broad themes of cooperation:...
A Community Oriented Rehabilitation Network (ACORN)

A Community Oriented Rehabilitation Network (ACORN) offers assistance to and initiates income generating project for children and widows amongst the Kurdish people in Northern Iraq. ACORN also supports a children's rehabilitation centre in the Altai Republic of the Russian Federation. ACORN has...
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

With 187 member countries, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural development. Through providing a knowledge network, and sharing policy expertise, FAO aims to raise levels of nutrition and...
IAL Logistics Emirates LLC (IALLE)

IAL Logistics Emirates LLC (IALLE), a member of the IAL Group, provides a complete and integrated range of supply chain logistics solutions including air, land, and sea freight, warehousing, and information technology services.
Emirates SkyCargo

Emirates SkyCargo, a division of Emirates Airline, provides global air cargo and business logistics services.

START brings art into the lives of socio-economically and culturally deprived children throughout the Middle East, and uniquely encourages artists to become volunteers in the field of humanitarian aid and education.
Al hoda Wa Atanmiya

Al hoda Wa Atanmiya is a Moroccan NGO established to to teach computer skills, writing skills, English, French and housework to children and women to help them to lead a better life. The group also provides medicine, money and food.
World Bank - West Bank & Gaza

The World Bank is an international financial institution based in Washington DC, USA, that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. Its official goal is the reduction of poverty. In 1993 the World Bank established the Trust Fund for Gaza and West Bank. Since then the World...
World Health Organization (WHO) - Iraq

The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nation's specialised agency for health, aims to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services. Health is defined in WHO's constitution as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not...
Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH)

Since its establishment, the Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) has served the medical needs of Palestinian refugees through a contract with UNRWA that continues to this day.AVH serves all in need, regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender, or ability to pay. AVH provides many specialized...
Terror Victims Association
Terror Victims Association is the grass-roots movement spearheading the campaign against terrorism in Israel. The Terror Victims Association was founded in 1986 in response to the release of a thousand terrorists by the Israeli government of the time. Terror Victims Association became a support...

Qandil, a non-governmental aid project of the Swedish Kurdish Human Rights Committee, supports the reconstruction of Kurdistan Iraq. Qandil gets financial support from the Swedish International Development Agency, EU and other international organisations. Qandil's goal is to rehabilitate the water,...
World Food Programme (WFP) - Syria

World Food Programme (WFP) - Syria, a country office of the World Food Programme, provides food assistance to Syria through development and emergency operations. The projects target the poorest rural communities in marginalised areas, primarily small subsistence farmers, herders and rural women....
SHEKEL-Community Services for People with Special Needs

Shekel: Community Service for People with Special Needs is a non-profit organization assisting thousands of people with disabilities around Israel. SHEKEL operates a community living program with 45 units, including 4 units for severely disabled children, 4 vocational rehabilitation centers, 70...
Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)

Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is an independent non-partisan organization devoted to protecting and promoting human rights and civil liberties in Israel and in the territories under its control. ACRI's work encompasses litigation and legal advocacy, education, and public outreach as...
Center for the Advancement of the Blind

The Center for the Advancement of the Blind is a non-governmental organization helping Israel's blind and visually impaired. The center’s ultimate goal is to help the visually impaired integrate into the seeing society. It also runs a senior’s club for visually impaired seniors, summer camps for...
Magen David Adom (MDA)

Magen David Adom (MDA), a member of the IFRC and Red Crescent Societies, treats human beings in need of help without consideration of creed, race or gender and dispenses advanced pre-hospital care as part of Israel's national EMS system, while being Israel's national blood services. Its activities...
Jerusalem Foundation

The Jerusalem Foundation is a non-partisan organisation based on Jewish values, which seeks to promote an open, equitable and modern society by responding to the needs of all the City’s residents and by making grants for projects in Jerusalem such as parks, libraries, community centers, and...
Israel Tax Authority - Customs & VAT

Israel Tax Authority - Customs & VAT website provides currrent information regarding customs regulations, taxes, and VAT.