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Pro Bono Australia

Pro Bono Australia is an on-line Australian organisational-listing resource designed to provide a link between NGOs, community organisations and those wishing to offer products, services and special rates to this sector.

Barnardos Australia

Barnardos Australia is an Australian children's charity providing services which help prevent and reverse the effects of abuse, neglect and homelessness on children and young people. The charity advocates on behalf of children, runs family centres and works with children leaving care and with...

Oxfam - Morocco

Oxfam is a development and relief agency that helps people worldwide in the struggle against poverty. In addition to food and medicine, Oxfam also provides tools to enable people to become self-supporting and helps open markets where crafts and produce from poorer regions can be sold at a fair...

Fauna & Flora International

Established in 1903, Fauna&Flora International (FFI) is a longstanding guardian of global biodiversity. FFI works with in-country partners to address locally identified issues in a sustainable manner, devising strategies that both alleviate poverty and conserve the environment. In addition, it...

Fiji map page

A United Nations map resource, with general maps of Fiji and the surrounding area.

UNICEF - Samoa page

UNICEF provides the latest statistical data on Samoa, with indicators of the current poverty situation in the country in relation to children. The page provides statistics for indicators such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United...

World Vision Australia

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organisation working for the well being of all people, especially children. Through emergency relief, education, health care, economic development and raising public awareness it seeks to address the causes of poverty and help communities become...

TEAR Australia Inc.

TEAR Australia Inc. supports the development and relief work of 94 partner organisations in 25 countries. TEAR Australia oversees the secondment of fieldworkers to partner organisations in the Third World, and runs Development Exposure Programmes, introducing participants to community development...

World Travel Guide - Fiji page

An impressive, well structured country-by-country travel guide, with an entry for every nation in the world. The Fiji page has an overview of the country as well as detailed information on accommodation, climate, currency, obtaining visas, internal and international travel, international dialling...

Australian Red Cross

The Australian Red Cross (ARC) is one of the 181 members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and works to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Australia and internationally. Their mission is to be a leading humanitarian organisation in Australia, improving...

World Travel Guide - Australia page

An impressive, well structured country-by-country travel guide, with an entry for every nation in the world. The Australia page has an overview of the country as well as detailed information on accommodation, climate, currency, obtaining visas, internal and international travel, international...

Relief Web - Samoa page

A UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. Includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Samoa. Topics include disaster history, geography and economics, infrastructure, and media links. Also has a list of other country profiles websites and links to...

Samoa map page

A United Nations map resource, with a relief map of Samoa, and a map showing the effects of 2009 Tsunami. Also includes a map of the South Pacific Islands.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Association of Australia Inc. (SMAAA)

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Association of Australia Inc. (SMAAA) is an organisation which is dedicated to providing support to those suffering from all types of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) along with their families.

ACFID Code of Conduct

The ACFID Code of Conduct is a voluntary, self regulatory industry code for non government development organisations.

Australian Guidelines for Drug Donations to Developing Countries

Australian Guidelines for Drug Donations to Developing Countries are based on the international Guidelines for Drug Donations developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1996. The document lists a set of core principles, and guidelines on selection of drugs, quality and shelf-life of drugs,...

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) - Australia

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent international medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters, or exclusion from health care. It is committed to two objectives: providing medical aid...

DRUG Awareness, Rehabilitation & Management (DRUG ARM ) Australasia

DRUG Awareness, Rehabilitation&Management (DRUG ARM) Australasia is a faith-based non-profitable and non-governmental organisation. They are committed to helping to reduce the harm of alcohol and other drugs. They aim at equipping people to make a positive change through working with clients to...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Samoa

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...

Telstra Community Development Fund & the Telstra's Kids Fund

The Telstra Foundation supports organisations that have a focus on making a positive and lasting difference to the lives of Australian children and young people aged 18 years and under. Organisation's capacity to manage the project, develops innovative and new approaches, meets demonstrable need,...