Education and training
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Safe Kids Walk This Way and FedEx promote child pedestrian safety.
Together with Safe Kids Worldwide, FedEx established the Safe Kids Walk This Way program to teach safe behaviors to motorists and child pedestrians and create safer, more walkable communities. The goal of the joint initiative is to prevent pedestrian-related injury to children.
Canon partnerships with the Red Cross to support education for youth
In July 2006, Canon Europe Ltd. formalised its partnership with the Red Cross, the world's largest humanitarian organisation. Canon is providing support for programs conducted by 13 Red Cross National Societies across Europe, with a particular focus on Red Cross youth projects that support and...
Micro-credit project for Darfur refugees
The Pilot Light Foundation, an organisation that creates and supports small projects in Africa that have the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for impoverished Africans in non urban areas, and the Sudan Self Help Foundation, an NGO that supports projects aimed at promoting...
Alcoa Foundation operates a Month of Service program for management and employee volunteers
Alcoa supports a variety of projects through the Alcoa Foundation's Worldwide Month of Service which supports and encourages volunteering by Alcoa employees around the world.
Bayer supports NGOs to fight child labor and develop educational facilities
Bayer actively supports organisations such as the Abrinq Foundation for Children's Rights in Brazil, and the Naandi Foundation in India in the fight against child labor.
Barclays partners with TCF to support schools in Pakistan
In December 2008, Barclays Pakistan partnered with TCF, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality formal education in a conducive learning environment, to support their efforts in making education affordable to masses by a contribution of over Rs. 4.65 million (GBP 39,010) for a year.
Development of art therapy for psychiatric disorders by Pfizer Slovakia
Pfizer Slovakia decided to support League for Mental Health in the development of art-therapy, through the project “Searching for a talent”.
Microsoft and nonprofit P-MAT partner in Slovakia to equip people with computer skills, through the Project-40UP.
Created in 2007, Project-40UP was aimed at providing a basic level of computer literacy of the Slovak Republic in middle age. This initiative allows persons who have had historical reasons a minimal chance to receive an education in information technology, attend vocational training courses aimed...
Timberland partners with Verite to incorporate a Code of Conduct into supplier's internal management system.
Timberland partners with Verite, an independent nonprofit social auditing, training, and research organization, to ensure that working conditions around the world are fair, legal and safe.
Unilever commits to purchase all of its tea from sustainable and ethical sources
Since 1999, the Unilever Corporation, a Europe-based international conglomerate, has been executing a pilot program on its tea estates in Kericho, Kenya. The program is part of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform, a food industry initiative to actively support the development of...