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Global Hand non-profit listing

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Human Wave Italia

Human Wave Italia (HUWI) is an Italian non profit organisation, committed to raising funds to realize projects in developing countries. HUWI has run several projects in India dealing with environmental issues, solar powering in remote villages, water resources and eco-sanitary projects.


Edubyte is a non-profit initiative working to provide the internet’s major Open Source educational resources to remote schools, communities and teaching resource centres throughout the world. For more information, the organisation encourages people to visit the website at:

Centre for HIV/AIDS and STD Research (CHISTRE)

The Centre for HIV/AIDS and STD Research (CHISTRE) is a Nigerian NGO that works with and for people affected by HIV/AIDS. CHISTRE's main focus is on rural areas, concentrating on the development of projects offering prevention services, as well as providing care to orphaned and vulnerable...

Blythswood Care Verified non-profit organisation

This Christian charitable organisation has many years experience in aid distribution. Goods are donated to their depots in the UK and distributed to carefully selected recipients, mainly in Eastern Europe. Blythswood Care has set up some of its own projects including a centre for children from...

Youth Sport Uganda

Youth Sport Uganda (YSU) is a "sports for development" organization based in Kampala, Uganda. YSU runs sports programmes for young boys and girls from impoverished backgrounds which provide stability, opportunity and a chance to excel. Since 2006, YSU has helped thousands of children from different...

LEPRA Health in Action

LEPRA Health in Action is a health and medical development charity fighting diseases of poverty and working towards a world without leprosy (Hansen's disease). They address not only leprosy prevention and treatment, but also other diseases of poverty including malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and...

Hope Net (Hoffnungsnetz)

The rapid, competent and effective assistance in emergencies is the goal of the working group “Hope Net”. This is done via the co-operation of the member organisations who aim to carry out assistance fast and effectively through combined efforts. Donors can give through the Hope Net, providing them...

Connect Network Verified non-profit organisation

The Connect Network is a collaborative network of NGOs and churches in South Africa. Members of the Network aim to transform communities through working with women and children. Currently there are more than 115 members of the Network who provide services to more than 295,000 children and women....

Support Home of God (SuhoG) Project Verified non-profit organisation

The Support Home of God (SuhoG Project) began as a non-governmental organisation in Nigeria and is now an international charity serving the local community in Glasgow and elderly persons, orphans and the poor in rural communities of Nigeria, Kenya and Sierra Leone. In Kenya and Sierra Leone, SuhoG...

Christliche Ostmission (COM) Verified non-profit organisation

Christliche Ostmission (COM) is a Swiss Christian Relief Foundation with projects in Eastern Europe, South-East Asian and Asian countries. The projects focus on humanitarian aid, anti-human trafficking and business development. COM is based on Christian values.