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Global Hand non-profit listing

Results are sorted by date modified.

Building Hope Uganda

Building Hope Uganda is a NGO that aims to assist in transforming the lives of vulnerable people and communities, focusing on poor women and children. The organisation provides training in income generating activities, including vegetable growing and craft skills. Women focused projects: • The...

Wayamba Api Art Foundation

The Wayamba Api Art Foundation is a Sri Lankan NGO that is involved in providing school equipment and items for pregnant women. The oganisation aims to assist in the provision of wells and the improvement of school facilities. ...

Save the Children India

Childrens Rights Social Organization is an Indian NGO that assists child labourers to access education and aims to provide other services to improve their lives and those of other oprhans.

The Norbert and Friends Missions

The Norbert and Friends Missions is a christian NGO working through local partners to bring help and hope to communities around the country and other developing countries.. The Norbert and Friends Missions is a Tanzanian non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to addressing African...

Vikalp Samajik Sanstha

Vikalp Samajik Sanstha is an Indian NGO in Madhya Pradesh which dynamically involved in developmental sector through programme implementation and various filed interventions activitiesin selected region of Madhya Pradesh. The organisation works on issues related to poverty alleviation,...

Nomadic Pastoral and Relief Foundation (NoPReF)

Nomadic Pastoral and Relief Foundation (NoPReF) is an NGO in Ethopia. The organisation assists communities to access clean water, education and health. It also works on issues related to the environment, agriculture and food security.

Women's Agricultural and Rural Development Association (WARDA)

The Women’s Agricultural and Rural Development Association (WARDA) is an NGO in Cameroon that works with women, young people, and children to promote community welfare. Issues on which the organisation works include health, agriculture and food security.

Russ Foundation

The Russ Foundation is an Indian charity that concentrates its developmental efforts at grass-root level in health, education, socio-economic development, vocational training and ecology.

Haiti Action Collective (HACC)

Haiti Action Collective (HACC)is a Haitian NGO that implements projects in the North West department of Haiti. HACC works in the following areas: education / citizenship; health/nutrition; agriculture; environmental protection; risk management/disaster; microfinance; assistance to women and the...

Livelihood Centre for Disability and Development Programme

The Livelihood Centre for Disability and Development Programme (LCDDP) is an NGO in Pakistan that works with people with disabilities,. The organisation works in the following thematic areas: education, health and rehabilitation; support for everyday living skills; livelihoods; training and...