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Global Hand non-profit listing

Results are sorted by date modified.

YouthAid Liberia (YAL)

YouthAid Liberia (YAL) is a youth focused NGO that acts as a local awareness network raising issues related to healthy living, and is also involved in voter registration and education.

Ambam Foundation Inc

The Ambam Foundation is a Christian charity in Papua New Guinea. The Foundation aims to ensure that every opportunity is given to those who need it.

Come and See Missions

Come and See Missions is a Christian NGO in Ghana that provides vocational training for young people in addition to its faith-based activities.

Mini Educational Welfare Trust

Mini Educational Welfare Trust is an NGO in West Bengal.

Mweva Centre for Information Technology Development Centre (MCITEDI)

The Mweva Centre for Information Technology Development Centre (MCITEDI) is a Ugandan NGO that provides educational resources and training in Mobile Phone Software Development and helping trainees to find jobs.


SAAHASEE is an Indian NGO that has been working for the development of the urban poor for the last two decades. The organisation is actively engaged in participatory community development among a slum population of close to 300,000 people in Mumbai and Delhi. SAAHASEE focuses on the sustainable...

Vivian Karimi Foundation

The Vivian Karimi Foundation is a Christian NGO in Kenya that promotes access to education, and provides basic needs and psychosocial support to girls. The Foundation sponsors vocational training and education programmes and encourages self-employment. The Foundation also assists refugees,...

Fair River International Association for Development (FARIAD)

The Fair River International Association for Development (FARIAD) is a Ghanaian NGO that works on issues related to environmental conservation, agriculture, health and entrepreneurial development.

Kwimba Women Development (KWIMBODE)

The Kwimba Women Development (KWIMBODE) is a Tanzanian NGO established in 2004 by a group of women who are determined to work for women's rights and an improved gender balance in society. The major activities of the organization include awareness raising on women’s rights, training women's rights...

Himalayan Inter-cultural Association Nepal (HIA Nepal)

The Himalayan Inter-cultural Association Nepal (HIA Nepal) is an NGO that works in remote and backward regions of the country, aiming to improve condition for marginalized, dalit and indigenous communities focusing mainly on widows, orphans and people with disabilities. The organisation has...